Group Build #4 - Terrain - Horsa

Started by Traffic, January 20, 2022, 10:43:59 AM

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A "large" piece of scatter terrain.  A 15mm Horsa glider.

Link to the build record


Work in progress on this resin Horsa. I have already called it a "Kit too far".  Needs a lot of work to clean up and prep.  I will need to do some scratch building for the off loading ramp to replace the block of resin that the kit came with.  I have already sawn it half and glue the top wing on and begun the filling and sanding.  I will have to have another look at how I might hollow out the fuselage.

Colonel Kilgore

Where did you buy the kit from, Si?



Ben and I have two of these, just made them as they came. Not up to opening up the inside/drilling them out, don't like messing with resin at the best of times. Look forward to seeing how they are modified.

Mine came from Old Glory, they are quite rough on the molding.

David & Ben


QuoteWhere did you buy the kit from

as Dave and Ben said

QuoteMine came from Old Glory, they are quite rough on the molding

Yes a lot of flash and the wing tips haven't moulded correctly and will need some work.  I will see how this one goes....

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks all.

The Warbases one at £2.50 a pop may not be nearly so pretty, but looks pretty robust when painted up (and the price is right!):




The fuselage isn't round but I should be able to drill it out and use a dremel on it

lots of surface imperfections and this is about the third set of filler I have used. I need to get some new sanding sponges as I am causing myself problems using boards on a curved shape.

Smoking gun

That does look like a lot of work to get it to the standard you'd like. Good luck.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck


So a good rub down with the sanding sponge shows the amount done so far.  I am not going to do much more filling as this is "just" a terrain item.

It has been given a coat of grey and then moving on to hollowing out.

I am a bit wary of going much deeper on the main fuselage section as I am near the join between the top wing and the body.  But... I might chance my arm

Colonel Kilgore

That is a labour of love for "just" a terrain item, Si!



Replaced the white metal horizontal stabiliser supports with brass to make it more robust

And, starting to look at the base.  I think I want to have it in two parts to change the look between different games.


Floor fitted plus the white metal parts. Black undercoat completed

Base coat of the Dark Earth on.  I need to change the needle and nozzle assembly to get a better coating as it is currently set up with my fine needle and doesn't cover very well.


Staring to move along now. Silly putty mask before spraying the RAF Green.  This is BS241 which I think is the wrong shade.

I tried out some tape options before finishing the tail section to make sure it would all fit.  Once that was done I just took off the ones covering the black to get a feel for what it will look like Need to mask off properly and get the white banding done here and on the wings as well.

base colour on the cockpit added by hand.

The poorly moulded cockpit will be left as is and represent some broken perspex.

need to find some decals.

Colonel Kilgore

Looking good, Si. It's nice to be able to follow your progress as you move things forward.



fffing disaster. Dropped it getting it out of the airing cupboard.  Will have to redo the tail section as the horizontal stabilizers both snapped off and repair the landing gear. Broke one of the antenna mounts off as well.  Oh well......

Might go and paint some jeeps in that case