MILL 12 encouragement

Started by martin goddard, December 25, 2021, 09:36:58 PM

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martin goddard

I think now is the time for me to get MILL  included in your new year resolutions.
If you can maybe  do a "6 sentence + a photo" article.
Should be  a good start point.

It would be great if  folk can get a piece made and sent in.
If you set a small target of the 6 sentences it should be relatively easy to get done in 15 minutes?


Trends in wargaming- paints
Many years ago (1972) I used only enamel paints.
The ones I preferred were the authenti-colour range by Humbrol.
Specific favourites were Brown Bess and British Scarlet.
The almost universal use of Acrylics (vallejo and Artiste et al ) does seem like a real step forward in ease of use and colour choice.
They are much cheaper too. Very harsh on brushes though.

That is six sentences, but still fairly achievable for most.
I would like the MILL to be inclusive rather than exclusive.

I do need it in WORD or compatible please.  PDF is not good at all.
If this is tricky, type it as an e mail (i.e write an e mail and I will make it into word)and i will paste it into word.
If you need any technical advice there are plenty of  knowledgeable people happy to help you on this forum.

martin :)

martin goddard

Hello Julian
I think i have.
They were put into MILL 11 retrospectively?

martin :)

Sean Clark

This will give me the kick for the AK47 report.

John Watson

Ok  what format should I use if I have a Mac? I thought pdf was your preferred format and so I have been converting things to that.

Smiley Miley 66

I think I will try and get one out on Hammerin Iron, as I ve done a load of New Ships and bits of late.

martin goddard

Hello All

pdf is very difficult for me. i can make it work but it is complicated.
MILL is published as pdf because pdf is easy to see on computers for those reading the MILL.
However I need to work with the text rather than just see it.

If you have a MAC just drop the text into an  e mail.
1. write it in whatever you are using on the MAC (pages?)
2. Copy it into an e mail form.
3. Attach the pictures to the e mail

that should work (???)

If folk want some technical help to compose an article please ask and I will help.

martin :)

John Watson

Thanks Martin. I will resend my bit in non pdf.

martin goddard

Good news John
You will alos have to take out all of the profanity...sorry

martin :)


Hello Martin,

sent you today a little article for The MILL 12, hope it helps,


martin goddard

Thanks to Pierre , John and Julian for keeping the MILL turning.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Should I be able to do something (probably about 15mm scenery) it will have to be as an email as my technical know how seems to be going backwards rather than forwards. Can't get my printer to link up with my computer to print anymore. Definitely not buying any future printers that can't be linked by a wire.

Colonel Kilgore


Do you have a deadline in mind for Mill 12 submissions?


martin goddard

Hello Chaps

1. Andy e mail submission is fine. Any pictures can be attachments no problem. Give it ago and see how good a job we can make of it.
2. Cut off date is always a bit flexible, but how about February Middle?


martin :)


I think i can put together some words and pictures about my Parthian odyssey.


Leman (Andy)

Mid-Feb shouldn't be a problem as I have already painted scenic items. Need to compose a commentary on mrthods used.