
Started by Sean Clark, July 30, 2021, 11:52:21 AM

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Sean Clark

Just a random question, with all the usual caveats regarding time/money/other bits more important...

Can we have a character pack for Villa and Zappata?

I have been extra good this year, eaten all of my greens, and last week helped a granny across the road and rescued a cat from a tree.

Steve E

But did you chase the cat up the tree in the first place 🤔😉🙂


And did you follow the Covid-19 shielding measures, respecting a distance of at least two meters between you and the granny?..

Sean Clark

Sometimes you just have to put your own safety on the line for the greater good! If this thread ends up with a Zappata and a Villa personality pack, it will have been all worth while.

martin goddard

Dear Sean
You have been good all year.
Therefore  there will be Mex rev personalities
You will not have to wait until Christmas but there will be a wait.

Wargame santa

Colonel Kilgore

Close, Sean, but you'll have to wait for the cigar.

You see, that granny didn't actually want to cross the road, and the cat was perfectly happy waiting for a bird in the tree.

But well done on eating your greens, that must have been the deciding factor.

Simon  ;)

Sean Clark

sukhe_bator (Neil)

Dear Santa,
Many thanks for thinking of all us Mex Rev gamers  ;D

(It is just as well I haven't gotten round to painting up my command stands yet!)

May I make a plea for a personality figure of 'El Manco de Celaya', Gen. Alvaro Obregon? The heavily moustachioed leader had his R arm blown off fighting Villa's forces in 1915. He always had the R arm of his clothing tailored to end at the elbow as a visible sign of his sacrifice to Mexico. There is a rather striking photo of him wearing a dark fedora and jacket walking with Carranza after the Battle of Celaya in 1915...

Grey Heron

Dear Wargame Santa,

Whilst only Santa knows if I've been good this year can I make a suitable suggestion for the Mex Rev gamers of a code of Mexican Military College cadets one of which is armed with a Madsen M1911 LMG. I could see this code being used for a number of periods/forces in addition to the glorious revolution. Symbolic in nature but would look good in their blue coat and respective coloured trousers supporting any would be conspirator to the cause. Whether as a filler on a command base or something else.

Just a thought...


martin goddard

Hello Helen
There will be an LMG for the US.
You might need to do aheda swap for those cadets

martin :)

Grey Heron

Quote from: martin goddard on July 31, 2021, 08:44:38 AM
Hello Helen
There will be an LMG for the US.
You might need to do aheda swap for those cadets

martin :)

Thank you Martin.


sukhe_bator (Neil)

Having just seen 'And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself' over the weekend, I'm thinking a film crew might not be such a bad idea for a set suitable for not just MexRev but any eC20 theatre...

a standing camera operator with his cap on backwards cranking the lever
a camera on tripod such as this example
a guy lugging a camera & tripod over his shoulders
possibly a nervous assistant with boxed equipment (not unlike the cowboy hatted ammo loaders for the MG)
finally a Jack Black-esque director eagerly pointing while wielding a speaking trumpet...

martin goddard

Sean Clark

Not one to prod a dead horse...but those Zapata and Villa character packs are still on my Christmas list  :)  :D  >:(  :-*

Colonel Kilgore

You'd better be a very good boy then, Sean  :)
