ECW suggestions

Started by yourpaceormine, June 27, 2016, 03:32:37 PM

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Thank you for the drums Martin, they have just arrived.

As thoughts are very much centering around sieges here at Château KeepYourPowderDry (seeing as they accounted for the large percentage of ECW/BCW/W3K engagements) please could we have some dismounted harquebusiers skirmishing? I don't mean dragoons on foot.

Conversion wise there's only the officers from the foot and dragoon command packs to use - would be nice to have some fellows firing carbines.

At Basing House, for example, dismounted harquebusiers were believed to be at the forefront of the final assault on the House.

Plus no other figure range has them in 15mm - lots available for 28mm gamers.

(I would sign my real name, but I am not allowed any identifiable digital presence or I'd get sacked. Hence I am and will only be Radar/KYPD except in private communication)


And here's one of the drums.

(Trying hard not to put pictures directly onto the forum,, somewhat annoyingly I can't link the picture)

Colonel Kilgore


You can do so, like this:

Right-click on the Twitter image
Select "copy image address"
Paste the link in your Forum message
Precede the link with img (but place square brackets before and after)
Follow the link with /img (again with square brackets before and after)
Job done!


martin goddard

Good news on the drums.
Do send me some info on Harqubusiers dismounted and I will see what things look like.
References, pictures etc. 



Simon, thanks for that. More a comment about using the slimmed down version of Twitter (on phone) which limits what you can do.

Thanks Martin, will start hitting the book collection.

Even using the desktop and IE11 (yes I know, but i'm comfortable with it), or Edge I'm not getting the copy link option. Solved it by using IE11, right click, properties, then copying the address of the picture in the properties box.


Had a good look around my usual primary and secondary sources, and come up with this:
We know that cavalry were used in storming parties at Basing House, Chester, York, Newark, Gloucester, and Bristol due to contemporaneous references. These references do not categorically state that they were on foot. However, when they are described as fighting in trenches and assaulting up earthworks we have to assume that they were, as this is no terrain for a horse. The existing ditches and embankments at the Queen's Sconce in Newark, for example, are just about walkable on foot - very definitely no place for a horse (I'd like to think that horses would have more sense than to even venture there).

I have seen a reference to troopers with many pistols (presumably tucked down boots and sashes), swords and carbines – but I cannot remember where (it was a secondary source paraphrasing an original source).

The Time Team dig at Basing House found a very high proportion of pistol balls in their excavation trenches, which one would presume indicates harquebusiers were heavily involved in the assault (the landscape they were digging was a building so horses pretty unlikely to be present). We know that before the final assault at Basing, Cromwell had reinforced the besiegers with a large number of regiments of horse (proportionately more horse than foot).

Osprey Elite 'Soldiers of the ECW (2) Cavalry' Plate J shows a dismounted cavalryman with a pouch full of grenades, and a pistol down each boot "cavalrymen often took part in the final assault of the siege, firstly to justify their share in the plunder, but also because of their higher morale and better armour". He has shorter boots on, not thigh high cavalry boots. I can send you a copy of this picture via a message if you want Martin (I assume copyright would prevent me from posting it here).

Osprey Fortress 'English Civil War Fortification 1642-51' has an illustration of the Siege of Basing House with a number of dismounted harquebusiers discernible.
Maggs's 'English Civil War Sieges Rules and Scenarios for Wargamers' refers to Rupert's horse using grenades when they stormed Bristol. An intact grenade was found at Adwalton Moor – inside the hollow grenade was iron fragments, so clearly a shrapnel weapon.  Buff coats and armour would clearly have been of benefit in close fighting with grenades being thrown.
Foundry and Warlord both make harquebusiers on foot in 28mm; both offerings look good, certainly give a good feel for how I think dismounted harquebusiers would look (Warlord's are part of their storming party box set).

In summary – I'd say standard harquebusier kit, but with shorter boots, grenade pouches, pistols down their boots/tucked in sashes Might I be bold and suggest probably best in an advancing pose: one wielding a pair of pistols; one with a pistol in one hand, the other hand reaching for a grenade; and maybe one carrying a carbine?  Great potential for sieges and for small scale skirmishes. With headswaps that give quite some potential– hats, open visor helmets.

Update: found a contemporary account of the Royalist horse dismounting and assaulting with swords at the storming of Leicester.


In any normal year the paints and brushes would be packed away until the nights start drawing in again, and I'd be off exploring the great outdoors;  but this is anything but a normal  year. As we aren't allowed to play out, thoughts are already turning to the next expansion of my armies - the army of Montrose. Looking at Range 20 and Montrose throws up a couple of issues (leaving aside the very worrying prospect of having to paint all that blooming tartan) - highlanders and cavalry.

Highlanders really do need a pack with muskets.

Cavalry - Scots lancers are good, harquebusiers with headswaps okayish, mounted dragoons with headswaps and greenstuff tartan  'sashes' slightly better but lots of work. Could really do with a moss trooper pack - like the lancers but with swords or pistols.

Then it's onto the Lowland Scots who fought for the King.
Lowland pike - please could they be available open handed (whilst I've probably become a dab hand, it really is a chore drilling their hands out)?

Thank you in anticipation...

John Watson

Radar, don't get sucked into the Victorian myth of everyone north of Stirling wearing highly tartan kilts all matching the clan pattern. As far as I have researched on this the kilt was the most popular form of dress, but trews were also worn. The kilt was not the modern design it is now, but more of a toga like piece of material that also draped round the upper body as well. At night it could double as a blanket. As for the colours think more of tweed, dull yellows, buff, fawn, beige, tans and browns mostly. Colours could be single or multiple. There would be some bright colours amongst the wealthier wearers. At this time most Scots were living on the breadline.


Thanks John, absolutely no worries about being afflicted by Victorian views here!

My notion of C17th tartan is some very simple checked patterns using subdued colours, still a pain in the bum to paint though. ;) Certainly not the 1970s fashion designer's interpretation of Royal Stewart (or is it Stuart?) tartan! Bay City Rollers have a lot to answer for methinks.

The phrase tartan 'sashes' is wrong but struggling for correct terminology, trying to describe a blanket roll type bit of fabric worn sash like over the shoulder (for those not in tress and cavalry). Plus of course not everyone will have one.


Had a go at creating some dismounted harquebusiers from the spares box

Colonel Kilgore

They do look rather good, Radar - nice job!



Thanks Colonel.

The man wielding the pistol is from the Mill gamette. Taking his head off was tricky, his pistol arm got bent. Thought it best to leave it alone. For once I resisted the urge to bend it back, which would have ended in tears.

Fat Wally

A couple of new ECW Packs featuring Highlanders with muskets, and Highlanders with Bows would be really really useful please.


Another vote for more Highlanders please, a musket pack is very much needed

martin goddard

I do hear your thoughts about ECW . Good to see enthusiasm for new packs. Thanks.

At the moment we have German paras, WOTR and Mexrev to look at.

ECW gets lots of new stuff now and then. The last thing the ECW range got was more dragoons.
