ECW suggestions

Started by yourpaceormine, June 27, 2016, 03:32:37 PM

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I keep looking at the ECW range with an eye to doing a Witchfinder General / Solomon Kane skirmish type game.

Stuff like the Dragoons are excellent as are the Plague physicians and the characters from the Game Marker packs. Also there's a few usable figures from the Pirates range and The Duel

So I'd like to see more civilians , dragoons with pistols and swords and a character pack with Solomon Kane, The Witchfinder General and maybe something for him to find


Leslie BT

Great to see so many new packs of great figures being released.


Sherman, I've just assembled the 'supernatural' forces for Witchfinder. See for some figure ideas that might help you out

martin goddard

Thanks for the support Les!!


Quote from: Radar on January 09, 2019, 10:07:49 PM
I've just assembled the 'supernatural' forces for Witchfinder.

Nice one - thanks

Sean Clark

Leslie BT

Great looking stuff. Some clever ideas.

Good to see some slightly sideways uses for Martins historical figures.



Dear Martin, I know you are very busy, but please please please could we have another pack of generic generals (ECW range now feels very inadequate after seeing 40 gazillion new ACW generals), and a pack of heads wearing secrets?

Please and thank you, in anticipation.

Colonel Kilgore

Radar - I don't think you're being ambitious enough. The ECW is clearly under-served relative to the recent boosting of the wide ACW range of named generals!

Maybe a few packs of named ECW generals will be ready once you've finished your first Samurai army? :)


Samurais - ha, not biting. Think that itch is waning thankfully.

I have modest desires, a new pack of generals and some heads in secrets will suffice.

Edit: thinking about it, some nice dour, generals in harqubusier outfits, and some in dandier flowery feathery outfits/ full armour please and thank you. All in suitable knitting pattern man poses befitting of leaders of men.

(And lowland pike, open hand; two more packs of Clubmen; all pike variants in unarmoured pike; lowland musketeers loading; galloper guns; siege engineers armoured; siege engineers unarmoured; and...)

martin goddard

All suggestions gratefully received.


Not just an ECW suggestion, please could we have a pack of drums? Useful for lots of eras - conversions, baggage trains and general scenic clutter.

Please and thank you.

martin goddard

I am not sure about a pack of drums, but as a group contributor I can mould up a bunch of drums for you personally,  if that helps? Say 16 for 1 x special order?



That is a rather spanking offer Martin, thank you.