ECW suggestions

Started by yourpaceormine, June 27, 2016, 03:32:37 PM

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Please please please could you make:
Dragoon horses with horseholder
Artillery limbers

Apart from that, I like the restyled musketeers. New buildings look good too (saw the sneaky peek on fb)


I d like to see the cavalry re done so that the heads could be replaced. Also the pistol armed guy firing to the side looks odd on a wargames base.
I do like the new figs especially the Irish

martin goddard

Good points.
The plan is to make some dragoon horse holders soon ish. Would you prefer them mounted or on foot.  I will look at some books too.
The cavalry will be re-done but I tend to do as slab of work for a range then get on with the next thing. Always promising to return for the next phase.
When the cavalry are re-done they will be one piece castings. Did you notice that all the cavalry are now on newer (slightly bigger) horses since about 2 months ago. have a close look if you have old and new.  See i am always doing little bits of task.



Ooooo, not thougt about mounted horseholder. I had on foot in my head when suggesting it, but I'm easy.

Fat Wally

I'd like to see...

1. Marching pikemen, with pike sloped.

2. Advancing Pikemen, pike vertical.

3. Loading/Standing/Advancing Lowland Scottish musketeers.

4. Dragoon Horseholders (preferably on foot)

5. Personalities.

6. Sappers/Engineers

Sean Clark

Out of that lot (which would be great if we had them) I'd preference the personalities - Cromwell, Charles, Essex and maybe Rupert  would suffice I think.

Leman (Andy)

Although Hopton and Waller are also a very useful pairing.

Sean Clark

Fat Wally

Quote from: Mike6t3 on July 02, 2016, 12:06:01 PM
I d like to see the cavalry re done so that the heads could be replaced.

I agree it's more fiddly but you can actually do, and I've done literally hundreds of, head swaps on the cavalry figures.  You need to cut with a sharp knife against the head and arm before removing the head, then using a rat tailed file clean up the arm.

It is a little more work, granted but not impossible by any means.

martin goddard

All good. I will get some other stuff done first though!



Thanks for the tip about converting the cavalry. I'm OK at replacing heads but not so sure about the other work involved. Perhaps I'll wait until the new designs appear but will experiment with my sample pack in the meantime 😁

Fat Wally

Even if I say so myself, I'm getting quite an expert at head swaps. ::)  In fact so much so that I find myself doing more than is probably necessary, just because I like doing them. :o :)

Another suggestion for the list of ECW wants would be pack/packs of completely unarmoured pikemen with no breast and back plates nor tassets.

Pretty please, eventually....



How about a couple of generic wagons just for scene setting you know like supplies, ammo, artillery limbers and horses to pull them; maybe some mortars for artillery as well? Maybe a cooking camp type set with baggage train followers after all you said the soldiers took the families with them. Attack the camp, sneak attack whilst the main army is fighting across the way, not good for moral! I digress!


Bit late to the party but I'd like to see advancing pikemen as Kev describes but cast without pikes and dragoon horseholders (not sure whether they should be mounted or on foot in this period - during most periods it was the former though you rarely see the figures for them).

Things like wagons etc are readily available in 15mm so I'd prefer Martin to focus his limited sculpting time on stuff that's needed for the core ranges.

Fat Wally

...and some ECW heavy cavalry heads.  The old Burgonet head in the Officer/Cav head pack was SO useful.