MexRev scenery

Started by sukhe_bator (Neil), December 08, 2020, 07:10:48 PM

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Smiley Miley 66

When it comes to buildings and architecture Les is the man to ask !
He usually knows a man who knows a man ? Lol

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I'm wargaming the early Northern rebellion in Chihuahua. I've been looking through Mike Blake's 'Armies of the Mexican Revolution' for into. While there were a few peons, the revolutionaries in the North were more urban and rural middle class, with unemployed workers, miners, military colonists and ex Bandits. The reconstruction drawings and info suggests a preponderance of mixed Western/Europeanized style dress compared with the more traditional dress of the Zapatistas in the South.
So in terms of figure choices I'm thinking more of mixing in some of the Mexicans and Cattlemen from the Western range interspersed with the newer Cowboys and Sombreros from MexRev... A touch more 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' x 'Magnificent Seven'

sukhe_bator (Neil)

The latest scenic project - a scratchbuilt tent line for early Govt. troops from sculpted 30mm thick styrofoam off-cuts.
Before, and after a few hours cutting, forming and sculpting with a pencil.

Colonel Kilgore

Wow - they are remarkably effective. Lovely work, Neil!


sukhe_bator (Neil)

Off the production line... the first of the WW1 period scratchbuilt styrofoam tents for my MexRev early Govt. forces. Next up bell tents , HQ tents and a motley assortment suitable for a rebel encampment.

Colonel Kilgore

Very nice!

And I like that you've not overdone the patches.


sukhe_bator (Neil)

I figured they'd have simply replaced a whole panel if the tear was too big...
I'm doing a US Pyramid tent as an HQ tent and some British Sibley bell tents. Being slightly taller at 12' - 13' (around 36mm in 3mm scale) I'm going to have to do them in two sections since the styrofoam I have is 30mm thick - the cone/pyramid and a disc and square slab for the low skirt section. I'll probably use a cocktail stick as a central locating pin.

Leslie BT

Excellent models Neil.

sukhe_bator (Neil)

The final variety of tents off the production line, a US pyramid tent, some British Sibley Bell tents and a Hospital and store tents...
And the final encampment... which will do for a variety of early C20 periods 

Colonel Kilgore

Lovely stuff, Neil.

Having recently splashed out for some resin tents (albeit quite nice ones), I'd be intrigued to learn how you managed these - perhaps a little article for The 15 Mill in due course, if you have the time and energy?


sukhe_bator (Neil)

Sure think Colonel, I can manage that I reckon...
I still have to get round to sculpting some Mongolian ger and some Turcoman tents for my Back of Beyond collections too...  :D

sukhe_bator (Neil)

A few motivational w.i.p. pics of my early Govt. forces...
2 Bttns infantry, a battery of field guns, 3 MMGs and 2 squadrons of Govt. cavalry and 1 dismounted in skirmish order. In addition a squadron of Rurales and 1 dismounted in skirmish order. Held horses are gleaned from the Western Mexican horse holders 15/109. Additional mules from Freikorps SpanishAmerican range and Irregular Miniatures. Substitute figures from Federale and Sombrero NCOs.
There is still a lot of highlighting and basing detail to add to come anywhere close to Pierre's standard  ;) but at least the forces are now all assembled including a Federale General in sequestered Dodge staff car. I may add a small command pennant to the bonnet of the Dodge in due course.

Colonel Kilgore

Looking good, Neil!



Superb work !

Really beautiful.

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I'm liking my Rurales... and the field guns, limber and Generale in the Dodge are looking good too.
The dismounted cavalry all need to be hiding behind scrub and bushes etc. yet.
Despite being quite generic, the impressionist flags of the infantry Battalions came out well
A sunhat wearing artillery officer and a kneeling Colonial period equivalent from Irregular miniatures make an nice artillery spotting group.
The sun came out as I was taking these... :)