Martin's new photo set-up

Started by Colonel Kilgore, October 07, 2020, 03:04:08 PM

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Colonel Kilgore

I hope everyone likes Martin's new photos.

I've replaced the previous ones with new versions received today in the News banner. Same castings, but much more contrasty shots. I'd thought the previous graininess was down to dodgy priming, but it seems that the camera did indeed lie in this instance!

The latest photos are, I hope all will agree, a big improvement.



Yes, the photos do now look really clear.


Colonel Kilgore

Here's a little comparison:



The better lighting (both more direct on the front, and much less shadow behind) helps quite a lot too, I think.


Grey Heron

Nice work. Photos shown on the banner look excellent.


martin goddard

Thanks Simon.
My new set up is a vey small tripod.
Atop this is a clamp for an iphone (other brands are available).
On the very top is an LED lamp.
I have made a special photo box, out of a box.

I finished the whole ensemble with love and some blue foam.

The cameras on phones these days seem most impressive.
I shall try to learn more about add on lenses and advanced applications.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks Martin.

I guess you'll need another tripod and phone, as well as a larger box and some additional love, to show us a picture of what you've done...?  :)


martin goddard

Ah, pictures of pictures of pictures.
Far out Simon

martin :)

Leslie BT

Martin good to see your thinking out of the box.

martin goddard


Excellent stuff Martin. I suggest that you revamp the ECW Plague doctors photo just like that. You should sell loads in the current crisis.  :P

martin goddard

I wil have to get back to those pictures  think
