Rules title

Started by martin goddard, September 12, 2020, 11:06:26 AM

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Leslie BT

Should be simple.

Zapata or Pancho Villa.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leslie BT on September 23, 2020, 09:19:15 AM
Should be simple.

Zapata or Pancho Villa.

They may have trademarked their names, like Lionel Messi?


If you want big sales, how about: "Blood On Oaxaca Big Sierra" ?...

John Watson

Why would you want to call Mexican Revolutionary rules "Lionel Messi"?

martin goddard

That would be silly,  Ben Messi?

martin :)


"Bullets and Burritos"

"Bullets and Bandittos"

"Fusils y Carabinas"

"Un Gallop Terrific"


martin goddard

Hello Neil
I like the gallop one

martin :)