Rules title

Started by martin goddard, September 12, 2020, 11:06:26 AM

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Stewart 46A

Can't be a good beer, they named a virus after it.



Think I'd go for "Viva Zapata!" - immediately recognisable to anyone with even a passing interest in the MexRev

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leslie BT on September 13, 2020, 07:24:59 PM
Why name them after a beer, no mater how good that beer may be????????????
I think it could be about understanding your core audience?  :)



Not relevant but I keep thinking of a silly song that was in a cartoon my youngest sister used to watch many years ago.  Cannot recall all the lyrics but the chorus refrain was " And the Mexicans Dance on their Hats!".  Alan

John Watson

Also check out Tom Lehrer's "In Old Mexico" - very funny.


Quote from: alang on September 15, 2020, 08:23:13 AM
Not relevant but I keep thinking of a silly song that was in a cartoon my youngest sister used to watch many years ago.  Cannot recall all the lyrics but the chorus refrain was " And the Mexicans Dance on their Hats!".  Alan

Maybe "The Mexican Hat Dance" by Allan Sherman. You can find it on you tube.

Oh Americans dance on a dance floor
And the Spaniards, they dance on a table
And the Russians, they dance on a saber
But the Mexicans dance on their hats

Enjoy 😁


martin goddard

Battles for Mexico.  BFM, Shame the acronym cannot be BIFFO.
Suggestions with which to make up BIFFO?

martin :)

Smoking gun

I can't manage BIFFO, all I have managed to come up with is the very juvenile Battles Under Mexican Skies. Sorry.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

martin goddard

Think that is not RFCM Martin. :)

pbeccas (Paul)

The Mex civil war is known as the Years of Noose and Knife.  YNK


Brave If Facing Federales Only

Battles In Fever Fields Oaxaca

Bullets, Indians, Federales, Furious Operations

Bravos, Indians, Fighting For Overthrow

Battling Intensely For Federale Overthrow

Bravos, Indians, Federales, Finally Obregon

martin goddard

Those are good

martin :)

Leslie BT

Neil's title will fill the cover.


How about something really simple "Revolucion!"


Colonel Kilgore

Nah - that would be too... ... revolutionary :)
