Snap dragon

Started by martin goddard, September 04, 2020, 12:35:28 PM

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martin goddard

Just to keep everyone up to date.
I wrote to Kerry (owner of Snapdragon studios) about the appearance of snapdragon Mexican buildings on the E bay site. Names as desert buildings.

Kerry has gotten these buildings (sold my some chap in the midlands) removed from the E bay site.
Nice to see a bit of justice against scum.

martin :)

Smoking gun

Hi Martin,
Well done for stopping this piracy.

Kerry's sculpting style was very distinctive and I have a few of his models which I cherish as I know I won't get any more unless I'm lucky enough to find some on ebay or at a bring and buy.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

Colonel Kilgore

Well done Martin. A small victory for the week, even if it's not on the tabletop.


Smiley Miley 66

Most of my Big partials for PBI are old Snap Dragon Hedges and low walls. That's partially why I re based them on a more studier  mounting to preserve them for hopefully a few more years.

Leslie BT

I have a number of Snapdragon models, when he first started production they were the go to models for resin.  We in the south were lucky to have Kerry working from Wiltshire so saw him at the local shows and he had a lot of his models in the trade press so had great exposure.

Good to hear he is well.

Bravo Six

I was lucky enough to buy an entire village of the 28mm Vietnam range he did for Chiltern (already painted too!) and I love his work. Shortly thereafter I scored a bunker terrain piece. These are the jewels of collection. I wish he had've continued his ranges.
