Welcome to New Forum Members

Started by Colonel Kilgore, August 23, 2020, 10:02:40 AM

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Colonel Kilgore

This week we welcome:
- Spartacus (who has already got a few posts to his credit)
- Rich L
- Grey Heron

Maybe you would like to say a few words about yourself (while we respect some members' desire for anonymity, it's nice to at least have a first name to refer to you by) and what led you to join our happy band?


Grey Heron

Thank you for the welcome.

I've been around the hobby scene for many years. I mainly paint 28 mm, however, with the advent of old age I'm now looking to 15mm for painting pleasure and perhaps to game in a smaller environment.

With the announcement of the Mex Rev range I'm quite excited to be able to paint these lovely chaps and chappesses (sic). My favourite period would be the early years with Diaz, Madero etc. So thanks everyone who are involved with this range.

I'm also eyeing off the WW1 early war period (Belgian and German) and SCW range for painting and collecting, not necessary to game.

I wish you all well during this difficult period.

Best wishes,
NSW, Australia

martin goddard

Hello Helen
That Diaz is a bad dude.

martin :)

Grey Heron

Quote from: martin goddard on August 25, 2020, 09:31:09 AM
Hello Helen
That Diaz is a bad dude.

martin :)

Yes, indeed Martin. He is, bad to the bone!  :)

Colonel Kilgore

 In the last couple of weeks, we've seen the following new joiners:

- Mr Mike (not to be confused with Big Mike, or Mike6t3, of course)
- Roy Beers
- GrahamC
- Dave

It's great to have a first name to refer to you all by, so thank you all for that. A word or two about new members is always welcome, if you'd like to introduce yourselves?

In any case, I hope you enjoy this happy group here.


Bravo Six

Heya guys. I didn't see a proper thread for new members to say hello, so figured this was the next best thing.

I recognize alot of names here from other forums, and some of you may know me from my Vietnam wargaming community "Fields of Fire". I don't play RCFM rules, but I am a HUGE fan of the Peter Pig figure range, and these make up 100% of my modern/AK47 forces.

Anyway, hello to all.  ;D


Colonel Kilgore


Welcome, and thank you for taking the trouble to introduce yourself.

I had stumbled across Fields of Fire [https://fieldsoffire.forumotion.com/, presumably - don't be shy!] occasionally, but now see that it has had a revamp.

Are you sure we can't tempt you to try the RFCM Vietnam game...?

I hope you enjoy your time on this Forum.



Welcome to all of you. Hope one day to see you across the table from some serious "1"s on the dice.



sukhe_bator (Neil)

Welcome Grey Heron, I'm pitching my tent squarely in the Maderista camp in fictional settings based in Chihuahua etc. - with the occasional train thrown in for good measure! I look forward to comparing notes!

Bravo Six

Col, thanks for the welcome.

QuoteI had stumbled across Fields of Fire [https://fieldsoffire.forumotion.com/, presumably - don't be shy!] occasionally, but now see that it has had a revamp

Yes the old forum on Tapatalk was all but abandoned mainly due to the poor layout and lack of options. We re-booted the community last spring and it's really taken off. Currently we're closed to guests and you must be registered to view the forum, but that's because we had too many "ner-do-wells" and it was becoming a security concern.

QuoteAre you sure we can't tempt you to try the RFCM Vietnam game...?

I'm a man to man skirmish guy and I'm pretty set in my ways rules wise (a hyrbid d6 skirmish system me and some mates use for pretty much everything). I DID own the MOCB rules at one time though, ages ago.

QuoteI hope you enjoy your time on this Forum.

Thanks Simon. Much appreciated.  :)


Leslie BT

Hi Todd this is the place to come you must have found it in error.

Welcome to the world of Peter Pig in 15mm.

Bravo Six

Oh, I'm no stranger to PP miniatures. Been collecting them for many many years.  8)