August mould 3

Started by Colonel Kilgore, August 15, 2020, 09:22:56 PM

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Colonel Kilgore

The audience waits with bated breath for what might emerge from the workshop this weekend...

Leslie BT

Its not Sunday yet, although we will be there before you.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leslie BT on August 15, 2020, 09:25:18 PM
Its not Sunday yet

Yup - that is indeed why we're waiting - maybe less than 24 hours to go before we hear...?

martin goddard

Thanks for the enthusiasm chaps!

Mould = 3 packs of Mexican rev.
All peak cap government troops.

Kneeling firing

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Very nice Martin. Photos and "buy me" buttons already on the website too - what a slick operation!



Have to say quite taken with these Government sculpts.

Martin what are the next three packs, as I think I will invest in a an army for subdue the Revolution.


Antioch (Bob)

Those sculpts are looking very Nice Martin... will definitely be adding some on my next order.


martin goddard

Thank you.

Next will be a higher command pack, machine gun pack and a collectible figure of Danny O' Hara (as a Mexican).
After this a few more govt packs. Including casualties.
Caps and kepi can be mixed no problem.

Then a pause whilst i catch up on some other "bits" that need  to be done.

martin :)


Darn! Placed my first order about 6 hours too soon and missed the 'Cap' infantry - next time!

Was headgear pretty much the same in one unit or a real mix of caps and kepis in the same company?

Simon W

martin goddard

Some photos show groups of  men with up to 3 different hat types.
Having said that, they tend to be "same hats together" as if each hat type goes with a platoon.
In my opinion (for the little that is worth) I have seen photos with kepi mixed with sun helmet; cap mixed with sun helmet and kepi mixed with Sombrero.

This one has kepi and sombrero.

Officers seem to wear kepi or cap regardless of what the men are wearing.

Just thoughts

martin :)


As Martin says, it's not unusual to have a mixture of hat types (and uniforms for that matter) in what appears to be the same unit in photos. There are also photos showing an impressive uniformity!
The old uniform was blue with a blue low kepi or high black shako. Most units wore a dirty white campaign uniform instead of the blue.
A new khaki uniform was introduced with a peaked cap. This ranges from sand through grey to green. Again, the white campaign uniform remained in use.
Officers in advance of the regulations, ordered their own uniforms under the impression they would be grey. Officers can thus be in blue (peaked cap or kepi) or grey / khaki (peaked cap in same colour).
Other ranks commonly white with blue kepi or khaki peak cap, or khaki with peaked cap, less commonly blue with black shako or kepi. Sun hat occasionally officers but mostly artillery, MGs and cavalry.
There's one photo of a MG unit showing examples of all the different headgear and uniforms with grey-blue French style greatcoats thrown into the mix!


Quote from: martin goddard on August 16, 2020, 09:54:56 PM
This one has kepi and sombrero.

The 3rd guy from the left is wearing his bandolier across his right shoulder

Will you be doing a pack of troops who are left-handed?


martin goddard

Good observation.
I don't think armies allowed left hand shooters in the olden days.
I appreciate the comment is not that serious. 
In the UK left handers would often have their hand tied to the chair at school in order to make them use their right hand.
A Winchester  carbine could probably be used OK left handed. A bolt action rifle not so much

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: shedman on August 17, 2020, 12:24:35 PM
The 3rd guy from the left is wearing his bandolier across his right shoulder

I think that chap is actually facing the building, but has managed to cranked his head round to make it look as though he's facing forwards. Look at his feet - I think they're heels rather than toes?  ;)


Leslie BT

Unfortunately Martin I went to one of those schools, both my parents were left-handed i should have been left-hand but the head of my first school did not have left-hand pupils in her school!