August mould 3

Started by Colonel Kilgore, August 15, 2020, 09:22:56 PM

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I am mostly right handed but can throw darts, hammer and perform a range of other menial tasks with either hand. My problem with shooting is that I am left eyed, I cannot close my laft eye and sight with my right, this caused me no end of trouble on Cadet force camps when I was at school.



Similar thing happened in Hearing Impaired schools until the early 80s. Anyone using sign language got their hands slapped with rulers, or worse.

John Watson

I'm the same as you Andrew. We were always taught in the cadets to form a stable platform with your body and elbows for shooting a 22 or 303. Easy if you are right handed as you could pull back the bolt without moving any part of the platform. But if you were left handed you had to roll over slightly and lift one elbow off the ground to reach the bolt lever. Still got my marksman though.

martin goddard

Those were the "good"old days Les.
Third of a pint of milk.
Ink wells. Caps. Tapioca.Feet and inches.
The cane. School bully.
Brings back memories....


Leslie BT

I can remember the milk being frozen in the winter with that stalagmite of white cream with the foil on top.

Smiley Miley 66

I must admit, these new troops do look like they could be used in AK 47 as well, Government troops in any South American type country, if you look at the old Bond movies etc, so very versatile indeed.

martin goddard

Indeed Les. :)
Gone for good.
