Walter Schnaffs game

Started by SimonC, January 10, 2020, 02:27:22 PM

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after somewhat of a hiatus from this game, Ray and I played yesterday. The draw for armies resulted in a largely infantry force. The Prussians with an impressive battery of 6 Krupp breechloaders. As the French I tried to clog the table with terrain and assemble on a position magnifique!

The Prussian has some terrible luck - with none of their assets arriving, and after a couple of brutal assaults the gallant French held on for an impressive victory !

Colonel Kilgore

Nice-looking game, chaps.

Who makes the figures?


A mix of Freikorp and Minifigs

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: SimonC on January 10, 2020, 03:35:00 PM
A mix of Freikorp and Minifigs

Very nice and shiny they are too!

martin goddard

That is a great looking game chaps. The grid is invisible too!

Excellent. :)

Leman (Andy)


Quote from: martin goddard on January 10, 2020, 04:28:50 PM
That is a great looking game chaps. The grid is invisible too!

Excellent. :)

Just subtle dots with a dab of paint done before these mats with faint grid lines or cross-hairs became commercially available.

As for 'shiny' I still quite like gloss varnish for the C19th as it shows the uniform detail up well but I do know that this is a question of taste. The Prussians have been matted over but I think I may gloss them again!

Colonel Kilgore

I think shiny looks right for this period and style of figure.

Leman (Andy)

I have taken to using Vallejo Satin varnish as it gives a subtle shiny finish which helps figures to stand out in poor light.