French-Indian war

Started by Nick, November 02, 2019, 04:09:22 PM

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Just started reading up on the French-Indian war in the mid 18th century, with a view to possibly war gaming in the future.
I'd be interested in views on how suitable figures from the Peter Pig AWI range would be?


Leman (Andy)

The obvious candidates are the woodland Indians and the militia, plus some of the Continentals, in loose baggy coats. The British and French infantry are wearing much tighter clothing than in the 1750s, and of course the British grenadier headgear is wrong. However the Hessian troops are wearing an older style of uniform and a 'similar' grenadier cap to the 1750s British grenadiers. Generic heads 19 and 115 are useful, as are the ECW heads 56 (Rangers) and 60 (Coureur du Bois). There are a good selection of troops in hunting shirts as well as well as some civilians (settlers). I imagine many of the militia/civilians at the time wore round hats.

The pirate range also has an excellent selection of regulars in the earlier type of regular uniform, as well as a range of characters, civilians and officers, many of which would not even require much in the way of conversion. With a little imagination I think the two ranges could provide almost everything for a decent FIW game.


I used PP figs when I did a Muskets and Tomahawks game a few years ago

The native Americans and settlers were used straight out of the box

Roger's Rangers were head swapped with berets or cossack hats

Couple of AARs where 99% of the figures are Peter Pig


Colonel Kilgore

I think you have made a very convincing argument, Alan - those are great-looking games!


Muskets and Tomahawks makes for a fun game (here is another 15mm report: but FYI I believe there is a new version in the works to be released some time next year.

Sean Clark

 :I have often thought that a PITS style game could work for French Indian Wars. Or maybe now I think about it the Vietnam rules.

Leslie BT

Yes Sean I think that Vietnam would be more sympathetic. It is set in the jungle, very close terrain. Where as PITS is very open terrain.
Having visited the Hudson river area is is very much more like the jungle, temperate and with very rugged terrain.

Bring your figures and we can give it a go?

Stewart 46A

I have thought that PITS would work for Western scenarios, Cavalry patrol or Wagon train on route.


Leslie BT

Yes Stewart the open terrain would work well, it helps to produce a game that is balance for both sides.