You and whose army

Started by Sean Clark, August 10, 2016, 09:59:21 AM

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Lee Robertson

Thanks Radar.

I actually hate having to do basing because it just takes me so long to work up to a basing standard that I like. Im happy with these ones though.

Hopefully the rest of my SCW stuff will be up to it as well



Lee I too find basing a chore, to a point. The adding texture and paint to a base feels like a major inconvenience, I think it is because for me mentally the painting process is finished, yet this is a continuation of it.

I quite like adding the greenery, feels like the figures come alive at that point. Certainly ECW cavalry do, as they are just 50 shades of brown until then, the greenery somehow makes them look right.

Brian Cameron

With 15mm to fit PP basing I approach it the other way round.  I stick the figures to the bases, undercoat, apply the texture (PVA glue with sand scattered on), paint and dry brush when the glue is dry and then paint the figures.  That way I don't end up dry brushing the bottom of the figures and when I finish painting the figures that's it, there's just the sense of satisfaction and a dark chocolate ginger biscuit to celebrate!


Colonel Kilgore

There is a satisfaction too in "painting the unit" from the outset - all based up and a completed unit as soon as the figure painting is done. I love this approach conceptually and feel convinced it must save time. Until I dab the wrong colour on the wrong model as I'm trying to feed the paintbrush between legs, etc. Of course, SimonC would say not to sweat the small stuff that no-one will notice anyway, and I'm sure he's right! It's what I'm doing for my WW1 forces (British to date - simple colours) and actually works well.



Of course I doff my cap to those of you dexterous enough to employ such a tactic. I'm far too cack handed for such an approach. Probably explains why I much prefer two part cavalry - I'm ham fisted.

John Watson

I'm with you on that one Radar. I have never managed to get on with basing figures and then painting them. In fact when I have bought ready based 2nd hand figures I spend time removing them from bases so I can paint them. So for me it is paint the flesh first to give a figure "character", then the uniform, and lastly equipment and weapons, before PVAing the bases, coating in sand and painting/highlighting/static grassing the bases. I also varnish the figures on the bases before applying the PVA.
I too also prefer two piece cavalry to one piece.

Lee Robertson

Some good points well made there.

Personally I do all of my painting by firstly doing a trial figure so that I can test out the colour schemes and contrasts and make any adjustments that I need to before I paint too many of them and make a mistake all but unfixable (because of my own laziness probably!)

Once I'm happy with the trial figure ALL of the other figures are glued along batons of wood so I have unrestricted access to all parts of a figure so that I don;t have to pull some sort of gymnastic contortions to get in there with my brushes.

Once all figures are painted and based Ill stick them to their bases, grout, sand and paint with the foliage going on last.

There is always paint overlap when I paint the bases so I jsut do a final touch up on the shoes once everything else is done to bring back some uniformity. If the ground is supposed to be less dry than in Aragon though I will probably leave the overlap and just explain it away as mud on the shoes...

Personally Im happy to pay this trade off in exchange for unrestricted access to all angles on a figure :)



I hotglue my figures onto nails, That way I can turn them easily to paint it also makes priming easy too. I have odd ends of wood with loads of holes to drop the nails into.


First Cossacks off the conveyor belt.

Awful figures but I do like the Hetman.



Well here goes, the first painted figures/vehicles.for my AK47 armies: for the dictator force and the People's revolution force. Next project make up for the militia force, once I have cleaned and primed.🤓👍

Stewart 46A


Very nice,  I like the General with the bunker :)

I assume they are for the new rules that are being play tested at the moment?



The Dictator is in front of an arm's stash and the PPF Commersar is standing on a distorted building/bunker.🤓👍

Sean Clark

Good work Kevin. They will look good at the Presidents Parade Day!

Game on the 6th September?

Might be T. Though U or V might be out by then.