Newbie questions

Started by pw4379, October 01, 2019, 05:38:59 PM

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Just had a second run though on the rules, this time without expert guidance, so a few questions please.

1. Am I correct that you can select Hasty defence for your terrain? In this case does it still cover 2 squares?

2. With the Point barrage it says 1D6 hits per square. Do you throw 1D6 and use for each square, or throw 1D6 per individual square? i.e one square might get 1 hit, another 6.

3. High Command has 2,3,or4 attempts to issue orders. If successful with 1 dice can it issue further orders to other squares or can it only issue orders to 1 square per turn?

4. If a unit with a "winning the fight" marker is assaulting from a second square can it count the marker, or is that only usable by the main assaulting unit?

5. It is possible for a unit to be wiped out but still win the melee! what happens then?

Sorry for all the questions, but help with any would be appreciated.
I really like the rules so far and would like to play more and ensure that I am playing correctly.
Regarding that are there any other players in Somerset that might want to get in touch and help me out with a game or two?

Look forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance.


martin goddard

Hello Phil

I will have a go, but I am not as experienced as others in this respect :)
1.Hasty defences are an asset achieved square enhancement.   EXCEPT the defender gets one at deployment. Hasty defences just make a square better at being defended.
2.You are right. A separate D6 for each square. So one square might get 2 and another 5.
3.The orders can be directed anywhere. However the greater the distance the less the chance of success.
4.Only the main assaulter is counted for winning the fight markers. there are no modifiers for a second assaulting square, just 1D6 per unit +/-.
5.A whole square that is wiped out always loses teh fight no matter how much it achieved.

keep asking :)


Hi Martin,
Thanks for the prompt reply, really helpful.

Regarding the High Command, just to clarify, you can order 3 different squares in one turn PROVIDED each passes it's test (as you say that depends on the distance)


martin goddard

Here is how it might go

"I am using my first higher command order to help that square over there to fight better. I need a 4,5,6. (Rolls a 3 = fail)
I will now use my second dice to try the same again. Rolls a 5= success.
With my 3rd Dice i will try that square over there....."

Each test stands on its own.
No effect by other tests being passed or failed.

How does that sound?



Quote1.Hasty defences are an asset achieved square enhancement.   EXCEPT the defender gets one at deployment. Hasty defences just make a square better at being defended

Actually, the defender get 2 hasty defences at deployment !

Leman (Andy)

My brother is part of the Clevedon Club, which now plays on the other side of the M5 - can't remember the town's name. If that's of use to you let me know and I'll get full details from him.


Hi, yes Clevedon would be of interest. A bit of a hike for me, but doable now and again.


Leman (Andy)

Will get the details later.