How to distract a wargamer

Started by alex918, September 06, 2019, 08:34:46 PM

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So, travelling North on the M1 today something caught my eye, as I approached and passed by 2 x low loaders carrying Skdfz 251/10 and an Opel Blitz and a Skdfz 251/1 and a Horch car on their way to Blitzkrieg through Nottingham. Good job I was the passenger and not driving at the time! Anyone else spot randoms whilst on the roads of the UK?


Driving along the A45 in Coventry some years back I saw a Soviet type tank (may have been a T55) heading in the opposite direction. The fact I was driving and it being the other side of a dual carriageway stopped me getting a good look at it.
I never expected to see a tank driving along a major trunk road and it was going at a fairly respectable speed too.

John Watson

Living near Marchwood Military Port I quite often see a wide variety of British military vehicles on our roads. They are all modern and have no interest to me so I can't say what they are. Sorry.

pbeccas (Paul)

M113s on the 10th Light Horse regularly drive on the road near me.