Colours, Newbury

Started by Colonel Kilgore, July 15, 2019, 10:51:08 PM

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Colonel Kilgore

Peter Pig attending - details of demo game and discount code to follow in due course!

Colonel Kilgore

Pirates is the participation game.

The discount code for pre-orders is: NA19

Colonel Kilgore

Oh, and it's on 7th September 2019 at Newbury Racecourse.

Ample free parking and a train station on the doorstep.

More details here:

This is normally a great show, over 3 floors, with loads of trade stands and both demo and participation games.

martin goddard

Thanks for mentioning this Simon. We should have some new packs with us. Not sure what yet?

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on August 24, 2019, 07:00:30 AM
We should have some new packs with us. Not sure what yet?

You are such a tease, Martin!

Leman (Andy)

I'll be there with the Liverpool club again, and this time some 15mm Samurai and Koreans for a FOGR outing.

Colonel Kilgore

Well, I look forward to seeing you there again this year then Andy!

Who else is coming?


Not me, just that bit too far away :'(


I happen to be down South with work for all of September, so will be attending and might even push down for the Arnhem day later on in the month.  Need to keep my weekends full somehow 😁