Desert designs

Started by alex918, May 12, 2019, 09:52:56 PM

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I have been a busy boy of late. Recently I posted a thread about DIY terrain building. This must have ignited some spark of motivation somewhere as I have remodelled some of my desert adobe buildings into terrain templates. Here's a few teaser shots for now, I'll throw together an article for the mill on how I built them. With plenty more photos. In the meantime here's Otto and chums up go no good amongst the ruins of a desert fort.

martin goddard

Very nice Alex. Article will be good too!!

Leman (Andy)

Presumably Otto has some Turkish ancestry.

Colonel Kilgore

I quite like the idea of having the leader base as a normal 3x3cm but raised up on a 4x4 with his name on - it certainly makes him stand out.


A retro fit idea TBH, I only had 2x AT guns to base and a pack of 40x40 based to use.

Leslie BT

The terrain looks great.

Have you used a standard size for the building bases?

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leman on May 13, 2019, 06:21:49 AM
Presumably Otto has some Turkish ancestry.

I've only just got that one (had been wondering whether the surname Mann was of Anatolian etymology...) - doh!


Otto is often seen with his mates

And sometimes his enemies:



QuoteHave you used a standard size for the building bases?

All templates are just a tad under 12x6 so they sit just inside the markers nicely with no overlaps, this helps visually with the identification of squares.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Alex918 on May 13, 2019, 07:12:05 PM
Otto is often seen with his mates

And sometimes his enemies:

Oh dear - I wish I'd not enquired...  :o

Leman (Andy)

Surprised Dusty Rhodes and his South Africans aren't there.  ;)

Leslie BT

With all the named bases you'll be giving Martin a bit of competition for the names of his leaders.

The sixe of the templates make them usable for the PP games.