Very good scenery shop

Started by martin goddard, May 10, 2019, 12:45:08 PM

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martin goddard

I have just visited a local store.
Model railway solutions   01202 798068
Alder hills Poole (6 miles from Entoymnet)

it is the best railway shop I have ever visited (for my purposes). I have been to Blackpool, so the whole world has been seen.

Here is why I think so highly of it.

1. They are really friendly and nice.
2. They stock metal, scenery, paints, railways, tools, plastics etc. Each range they stock is there in completeness and depth.
3. They stock a lot of stuff that is nice to actually see. Fields, tufts, grasses etc. they even had a happy meadow for use in the BB rules.
4. Their half job is making railway layouts for customers. This means they stock all the stuff needed for their work.
5. They can source all types of railway track, parts and trains.
6. They stock Humbrol enamels
7. Trees. many makers and trees up to 15" in height.
8. Sheets of plastic, papers and embossed.

They do mail order on the line but it would be well worth a visit for a touch and feel.

Colonel Kilgore

That does look like a good find, Martin.

Have you been to Buffers in Axminster (on the road out to the coast)?

They have a good range of stuff, are very friendly (they'll usually offer you a cuppa) ad also operate an online shop:

Oh, and they've also been on the telly with James May!

Leslie BT

On with James May, that sounds a bit dangerous!

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leslie BT on May 10, 2019, 02:42:40 PM
On with James May, that sounds a bit dangerous!

He's the slightly more thoughtful one that doesn't just do stupidly fast cars.

He's done some "hobby" programmes, including a 10-mile model railway race from Barnstaple to Bideford, for which Buffers provided a lot of the kit, I understand.

Leslie BT

He also rebuild a HO loco as well.

Leman (Andy)

This sounds like a very good source for scenic material. Thanks for posting.