Any new ships

Started by alan_l, July 16, 2018, 09:18:27 AM

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Just wondering if there is any prospect of new models?  Particularly interested in the like of US sailing vessels to supplement the US Hartford for the like of Mobile Bay.

martin goddard

Helo Alan
i did a US trip to get buckets of ship info but have sadly been diverted to other stuff at present.
Trip included Kinston , which i highly recommend folk visit whilst it is still there

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: alan_lockhart on July 16, 2018, 09:18:27 AM
Just wondering if there is any prospect of new models?

You mean you want more - before the Vietnam Montagnards are complete ?!  :o

martin goddard

Those mountain folk are on the way...soonish!
Just waiting for Nigel's ACW stuff to be  re-done.



That sounds good. Also, some more for the Ellet Ram Fleet would be good.


martin goddard

Leman (Andy)

Some excellent suggestions there. I can't believe I read a post on another site from an American wargamer who lives by the Stones River battlefield but has no interest in  gaming the ACW.  :o