2016 Squarebashing Day

Started by Administrator, September 11, 2016, 08:07:40 PM

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Are you a definite Sean as I will need to firm up numbers for the buffet soon

Sean Clark

I'll have to say no now as I've now discovered I'm booked into Alton Towers for my wife's Christmas do on the Friday night and we are staying over.....Very disappointed as I really want to support any events in the Midlands. Really sorry  :-\



As an update to this we are now up to 7 confirmed players

Dene Green
Peter Gregory
Paul Freeman
Ray Boyles
Bob Amey
Simon Wilson

& Me

There are a couple of new players here so , I'm happy to sit out and assist with those games (and make it even if we get a drop out)




With a just a few weeks to go here is the latest position. We now have 8, and the teams are tentatively -

Ray is trying to get another player to allow me to help out with the new players ... but no confirmation as yet

The entry if £10 per person. This includes a buffet that the boys at B/H will lay on. They also sell snack and drinks (with a £2 mug hire for bottomless tea and coffee). So we are reasonable well catered for on site. There is nothing around the shop particularly (no pub in walking distance etc)

They open at 9am. So I suggest a 9.30 start ... so roughly speaking game 1 9:30 - 12:30 , and game 2 13:30 - 16:30. BUT lets all be flexible on this - it just a nice day out to play a couple of games.

martin goddard

I really wanted to get to this but my daughter Grace is having her birthday then. Any chance of a further event> I could probably bring a car full from this area/?


Sean Clark

Gutted I'm missing it too, but I do hope we get more midlands piggie events. I'm pretty sure Tim the Madaxeman has tried to get something going at Britcon in August which is in Manchester. We need to co-ordinate diaries.


I certainly hope that this is just the start. It really all depends on how we get on with this event!  Finding the venue is often the most tricky thing. Battlefield hobbies is central with good transport links. Its a dedicated gaming store, with an event hall that can accommodate up to 50 tables (as I can recall), they certainly host the FOW and BHGS big tournaments. Currently we only have the small gaming area, the difference being once we have to open the 'big room' they have to have another member of staff on site. This doesn't have much difference to the player cost - but it does mean we have to commit to bring 'x' players ... so that will be the next level

If it all goes well, I suspect we can look at another in the new year

martin goddard

That is good news. The battlefield location is fine for me!


Welcome Simon P, as our 8th (new) player.  So this has brought things neatly to a close, and I'm not seeking any further entrants. 4 teams makes the theme work well, and 2 new players mean I can sit with them to assist. SO, the final list of teams are (with a bit of alteration)

I've added the combined army status and tie break bonus points (based on max combined team army - your team armies). So this gives the weaker armies (Turks) a bit of a boost. Peter I'm assuming that you want to the bring the Middle East Turks?

With 2 new players I've done the first round matchups as -

The 2 new players playing one another while I supervise. The rest worked out nicely.


We've had a dropout for this. If anyone else can make it - that would be great ! as its stands the its a really handy number