AK rules spine

Started by martin goddard, March 11, 2025, 08:15:59 AM

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martin goddard

I do often do things in rules without enough explanation.
I expect most of it is fairly obvious though.
However, it is good to share.

1.Why the generic nature of vehicles/guns? To make the game easy for players and avoid distraction from the game flow. In addition, each model represents a multiple  of vehicles unlike PBI. Hence no side armour or turning calculations.

2. Why fewer armies than the reloaded edition? The new armies each have a strength and a weakness. They cover most of the options. Players can fit their favourite army into one of the offered armies. I am prepared for those players that want an army with all strengths and no weaknesses. They need to save their money and spend it on  another game.

3. Why the Zebras? It makes the countdown system easier to understand. It also adds to the visual enjoyment of the game. I use the word "enjoyment" because I think players enjoy playing a game that looks nice. It also allows player a free choice to use other animals or models.

4. Why 5x3?  To use a cloth that many RFCM players will already have. It also allows troops operating  on one flank to not be under threat from opponents on a completely different flank. The 5x3 should allow a player with a plan to beat the player that just hopes to react to events (the essence of a good game that stimulates thinking). If players are not willing to make a 5x3 cloth then they are lost to AK.

5. Why the special scenery piece? To encourage  enthusiastic players to benefit from their enthusiasm. It also adds to the visual enjoyment (see 3 above).

6.Why the 6 scenarios. To allow players to have some options for club night games. Note that the scenarios use standard armies and just change one aspect of the game.  i.e  a normal game with one big change. Players often require scenarios in order for them to play a game.

7.Why the communication system? It gives players a chance time to add to their force, but are forced to take a risk in doing so. It allows better armies to have better choices (air strike for example). It also allows a  thinking player to make tactical decisions.

8.What has been preserved from the 1997 and reloaded editions? Army size, basing, weapons, dice.

AK is a "certain type of game". Players either like it or not.

martin :)

John Watson

On the game size, 5' x 3', you did not mention another important point. Namely, that it fits on a standard British dining room table. This is important for many who do not access a games club with oversize tables. So any game 5' x 3' or less is great to play at home. The others, PBI and Civil War Battles, suffer as a result. I am not suggesting that either of these two fine games should be altered though.

martin goddard

Thanks John.
Good "home" point

martin :)


Can i lift those points for the AK47 Facebook Group please Martin?

martin goddard

Please do. Righteous (?)

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

John you can always play PBI on 5 x 3 at home ?
Martin only "suggests" 4 x 4. You know from the games we play changing it to another size, doesn't alter the game, or very little. You may have to re jig the objectives, but SCW would be a good guide on this ?
CWB you could re jig the deployment zones ? To lose 12 inches width ? Make each deployment zone 20 inches instead of 24 inches wide ?
The game rules we play do have a certain amount of flex in them ? Without ruining the game ethos ?

Smiley Miley 66

The "countdown clock" could also like MoCB be plastic Bullets ? But the Animals theme does fit the game better ?
You expect to see Animals roaming the African wilds ?

Sean Clark

I enjoyed the bullet theme.

There's at least one CWB scenarios played on a 4x3 table...one of the smaller battles I think.

I've played Regiment of Foote on a 5x3 and a 6x3 table with no issues.

martin goddard

I do have to be aware of being too preachy, but assume we all have similar gaming wants? 
Forgive me when I do. :-[

This group plays rules which can be played in a few hours, with an easy to buy/build amount of figures/scenery  and major control over all the "in game" choices.

Many gamers  dislike what RFCM does. That is of no significance to us.

martin :)

Sean Clark

I mean, I dislike Lardy rules but I wouldn't go around shouting about it.

And if you like Lardy rules and play them, great! I am genuinely pleased you have a way of wargaming that you enjoy 😀

I'd never discourage anyone away from any particular set of rules based on my on biases.

There is genuinely room for us all.

How about a game using Don Featherstone or Charles Grant rules? Wonderful!

Newbury Fast Play Napoleonics? More power to your elbow!

Flames of War....OK let's not carried away. But you get the point.

My old grandad once said

" As I wander through this life, and totter towards my tomb, I find I care less and less about what wargames rules someone else plays. I'm happy with RFCM."

He was a wise old man.

martin goddard

All agreed Sean.
Good sentiments.

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Sean That's interesting about playing ECW on 5 x 3 mat or 6 x 3 ? Any particular battle(s) ?
But anyway the main point is we can upgrade or downgrade the table sizes to fit the table with a lot of these rules and still get a good game out of them ?
Especially when using the Squares ?
Dex made a good looking post on AK group on FB using your Rules spine.
 Sean FoW is definitely better played with 6mm figures and tanks ? Using the rules as they are !