The Minefield template

Started by martin goddard, August 09, 2024, 12:01:23 PM

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martin goddard

Having had a minefield in 3 recent AK games I think it is time to consider the depiction/model.

How will you do yours?

My thoughts for my own minefield
1.Maybe small 2x2 inch blobs with texture and mine signs on them. Have about 6 of these scattered on a template area.
2. A perimeter of long fences with signs.
3. A 6x 3" strip    2 off. Each one to occupy a square of table.
4. Maybe have the mines exposed as little discs? Badly laid or weather revealed?
5. Just signs?
6.A number of shell craters/small templates to indicate mines have gone off previously. Easier to make and see. Maybe add a destroyed vehicle or two?

What about your prospective minefield?

martin :)


My first thought was whether I could re-use one from other games but they are all 6"x6"

I like the idea of a 6"x3" with a wire perimeter and some signs. I have built one previously with a spare shell hole, depicting an exploded mine, and a bloodied boot on the edge...

Colonel Kilgore

Doesn't Peter Pig produce minefield markers?

I'd stick a bunch of them onto a template in various orientations, and make up the ground level to match.


Sean Clark

I thought of doing 'Achtung Minen!' signs on little round bases to plop down rather than  doing a whole template. Though a whole tempted could look nice. I'd imagine barbed wire, craters and signs would feature.

martin goddard

Good picture Simon. I will see if there are some in the workshop.
Maybe I will add a sign?
That will keep me busy.

martin :)