Squarebashing Score Sheet

Started by SimonC, June 21, 2017, 08:34:57 PM

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You might like this sheet to fill in after your games rather than the one in the book

Leman (Andy)

Many thanks for that. It looks very impressive and will be seeing a lot of use in my games.

Leslie BT

Great, looks most useful, I use it with the french players when I've done the french translation.


I've uploaded the v1.1 of this this sheet following the weekend. Some minor tweaks to help clarity

Colonel Kilgore

Thank you Simon - it was very easy to use on the day, and helpful in working out the body count.

Leslie BT

Colonel Kilgore


Simon's initial post of 21st June (below) appears to have been updated with version 1.1 attached.

Leslie BT