Airfix Roman Fort

Started by Wardy64, June 11, 2024, 04:45:51 PM

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Ben is sorting out his old kit and is sorting out what he doesn't want, he has an Airfix Roman fort, minus rear gate. Any one interested with a reasonable offer?


martin goddard

Luckily I have one, but all of those Airfix forts are ideal for 15mm figures.
First released 50+ years ago.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Remember buying that when it first came out. I was still playing soldiers then, rather than wargaming. I remember being disappointed that the Roman soldiers were wearing leather jerkins rather than lorica segmentata.


Ben loved it when he was young, soldiers are in the loft somewhere. He also has a mint Fort Sahara with the arabs and camels in there hidden as well!
