French Indian War using Washington's Army Rules

Started by Moggy, December 30, 2022, 09:02:25 PM

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Sean Clark


Just had my first solo run through of the approach rules as I have written above. Made 2 armies at roughly 500 points - 3 Line (1 V, 2 R) 3 Mil (3A, 1R), 4 Indian (3 A, 1R) 1 Light Inf (A).

Broke both forces down to half force 6 per round and tried to keep them roughly balanced.  I decided to play one side as balanced as possible in all respects and the other aggressively.  With 6 units per round kept 1 at 2 per flank/Advanced and with the aggressive played at 1/1/4 with the 4 units area being rolled for. I also swopped the light unit for as militia (R) unit.

Didn't keep much records of the blow by blow as I wanted to get comfortable with the system. AT end of round 2 of 6 I noticed I wasn't using the offset off hits rules (I have 4 hits opponent has 2 so 2 hits have to be rolled for by opponent). This ended with a lot of dead bases in the column. Reverted to the offset rule for the following 4 rounds.

At the end both sides had lost 11 bases but the aggressively played side had lost 8 additional half bases to the balanced sides 7. 

This would have left the balanced side as the attacker but with a difference of 1 so it would be 3D6 on depletion dice. Of course this can only result in unitas going into reserve rather than bases lost.

Of note was the fact that although both side veteran Line unit had to roll a save in most rounds they both (1 each side) passed in every occasion. The light infantry units from both sides didn't fare so well with 1 losing 2 bases and the other 1.5 bases.

Will do it again a few times using the offset rule for the full 6 rounds and see if the above result is just random dice rolls. If anyone else understands what I have put into the rules please feel free to have a run through.  I have attached a copy of the template I used in game that provides all the information needed for a run through. Feedback would be welcome. If more clarity needed for this please feel free to ask. It is a work in progress.


Quote from: Sean Clark on September 07, 2023, 11:43:32 PMAre you taking this to the Weekender Derek?

I will if I can knock it into some sort of shape.  Need a few more run throughs. I hope to do a run a day for the next couple of days to see. Others helping will be appreciated, even if just to say what I wrote doesn't make sense.

I will document a couple of turns worth of the next run through to see if that clarifies things for anyone wanting a bash at it.


martin goddard

Good luck with the project Derek.

I make an apology for not getting involved with this or any other member driven project. The reason, is  that I am unable to resist changing it all about to suit my prejudices. My fault, my arrogance :-[

It is much better that I am not there.
What you need are players with no particular axe to grind in terms of how they like games to work.
At present play testers are in short supply.
CK only had a few play testers who were able to play games and reflect (6?). Derek was one of them. That made CK longer in development.

martin :)


Quote from: martin goddard on September 12, 2023, 11:24:44 AMCK only had a few play testers who were able to play games and reflect (6?). Derek was one of them. That made CK longer in development.

martin :)

LOL, sounds like the play testers were the cause of it taking so long. Just kidding Martin.

Procastinators of the world unite..... sometime or other!



Hmmmm, did another run through but doing as per the written stuff on offsetting damage.  Got to end of round 4 and almost nothing got hurt!  May have to re-think it or it become a bit of a drama for no purpose.

May revert back to what I started doing first time.  Each hit has to be rolled to save. Then possibly a further save(4+) for each half base (full base counts as 2) for those that have only got seperated etc and found their way back.  Keeps the suspense going till the end.

Thoughts on that anyone?



Just tried it with the change and it works. Its quicker, feels right and fun. Did all 6 rounds and got through it in about 10mins.

Revised system.  Both sides roll their dice for each round. Opponent then has to save that number per area.  Hits allocated by opponent at a rate of 1 per unit up to max 2. Any surplus are then let through to the main column in the middle.  Hits/Saves in the flanking and advanced areas are for half bases, anything in the main column is for a full base.

IN the run through just now ended up with Black (balanced side) 7 unit with 1/2 bases and 6 with full bases lost. (Some of these would be the same unit - i.e. 3 casualties) After final save has 2 units with a half base and 3 with a full base lost. Red (more agressive side) ended with 4 units with half base and 9 with full base lost. After recovery wended with 3 units with half base and 2 with full base.

This is around where I wanted it to be. This would also have left red being the defender with a 3 deficit (4D6 for depletions).  I dont think it unfair to allow for the normal depletions results to stand.  A few more times through the mill will confirm this or not to me.

Still considering permitting the merger of small units left at the end into same or lower quality but same type units. (Majority would be final quality)

I would appreciate it if someone else could have a run through using the main rules (previously published on here) modified by the above.  It may be me looking at it through rosy coloured glasses!.

