What if the Zimmermann telegram went hot?

Started by Jonnyboy, April 11, 2023, 08:31:00 PM

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Ok, mulling over finally moving forwards after much procrastination with the Mexico set up and mulling over options for bringing in more players with a WW1 interest into a Mexico themed campaign. As the title says, how would a Mexico game set in 1917 (or earlier if you wish) pan out with German participation on the Federale/ Constitutionalist side? Carranza was a willy old dog, but what if he4 had been drawn in? On the German part, fact suggests German help as more a case of weapons and maybe submariner assistance. But what if they contributed a force similar in scope and ability to Lettow Vorbeck's troops in East Africa?

Likewise with the Americans involved, would the French assist, after all it's Mexico, enough said........

So what would these forces look and play like?

John Watson

Crush The Kaiser Achtung Gringo rules cover this scenario.


Many thanks, will look out for them for inspiration. I'm thinking the German Jaeger figures with a possible headswap, I believe the Germans wore a fieldcap with neck scarf, easy enough to add with Greenstuff, and Early war french in caps with some of the zouave figures just ecuase they look so cool.

Leman (Andy)

I'd definitely go for the Aussie style hat and the pale bluish grey uniform of the colonial troops. Maybe not entirely historically accurate for 1917, but hey-ho it is after all a fantasy campaign and that uniform looks cool.