Are latin phrases dying out in wargaming or becoming more popular?

Started by martin goddard, April 06, 2023, 12:30:30 PM

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Leman (Andy)

As somebody who has a rather dubious O Level in Latin, I would hope they are dying out. Which pompous prat is still doing this, other than Johnson, who probably thinks Peppa is a Latin word.

martin goddard

Good ideas Neil.
All good fun.
What gay chaps we are!

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

I wonder whether these is room for some good healthy smiting in C&K before it finally goes to press? Such terms do give a nice biblical feel!



Quote from: Colonel Kilgore on April 07, 2023, 05:03:01 PM
I wonder whether these is room for some good healthy smiting in C&K before it finally goes to press? Such terms do give a nice biblical feel!

As long as there's no coveting of your neighbours ass........☺


Quote from: Martin Smith on April 07, 2023, 11:00:31 AM
Controfibularities on the choice of examples, Neil πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Why thank you sir, although your example did cause me some pericombobulation before I was able to discern its meaning! ☺

Ben Waterhouse


Here are some Latin phrases/words straight from latin- how many do you use?

ad hoc
ad lib
alter ego
bona fide
carpe diem
cave canem
de facto
de jure
et cetera
mea culpa
per capita
per diem
per se
status quo
vice versa

Colonel Kilgore

If I don't use at least one of these a day, I feel that I need an alibi  ;D



I see what you did, but not your magnum opus. :)

It's amazing how many latin still words/phrases (and especially word roots) still are in all modern European languages.