Chat with Pete from Entoyment on Youtube tonight

Started by Sean Clark, November 21, 2022, 07:54:45 AM

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Sean Clark

Here is a link to a Youtube channel on which Pete will be appearing to talk about his hobby and what its like running Entoyment.

8pm tonight you can listen live, or else catch it afterwards.

Colonel Kilgore

Leslie BT

Sean Clark

Yes, I enjoyed. Interesting to hear that Peter loves historical gaming.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Leslie BT on December 01, 2022, 09:01:02 PM
Great show Sean.

You would say that, Les, after all the name-checks you received  ;D


Colonel Kilgore

I enjoyed it too - really interesting to hear about Pete's background and his ethos for the store.

Also that he's on the lookout for a bigger place, with ground-floor gaming.
