6th December at entoyment

Started by martin goddard, November 25, 2022, 09:20:38 AM

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martin goddard

Anyone fancy a day of gaming at Entoyment.
Tuesday 6th December 2022.

CK, HI, PBI  ????

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Are you trying to make those of us who live further afield and/or have daytime commitments jealous, Martin?  ;)



I'll come along.  Happy to play any of those options.  Hammerin Iron tutorial would be useful.


martin goddard

You are joining in by  zoom I believe.

Great . Shall we play Hammerin iron. 6th December Entoyment.
Anyone else??

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Shame it wasn't the Monday as I am off on the 5th ?

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Smiley Miley 66 on November 25, 2022, 02:24:10 PM
Shame it wasn't the Monday as I am off on the 5th ?

Martin knew that, Miles, which is why it's the 6th  ;D


martin goddard

Sorry Miles

Monday would be a good idea but I am doing medical appointments  twice  a week at the moment.
These appointments always seem to be at 10.15 which breaks up the day too much.

Are you around 9th December Miles

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

9th I could be for the 2nd game of the day ?
As I am at work the rest of the week. Going to see an "old" band in Southampton on Sunday 4th hence have the Monday off.
Would like to get at least another game or two of HI before 17th ?
John was saying his club day is on 10th. All day ?
So could meet up there ? As I ve never yet been !
As a by note; I ve now got a very Pink flat Sheet to put on a table top first to lay a game on top of !