Battle of cambrai

Started by Stewart 46A, November 28, 2016, 02:48:01 PM

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Stewart 46A

Martin from Peter Pig has arranged to put on the 1917 Battle of cambrai at the Nothe fort in Weymouth next summer, date TBC.
He is planning a 20ft frontage so to that end I am asking who would like to take part and what forces can you contribute?
We are looking at using 'Square bashing ' rule set, so infantry and cavalry units consist of 4 bases, artillery and Machine gun units consist of a single base, also the number of British WW1 tanks you have.



I'd like to do this ... But Weymouth is a long way. If I wangled it it would have to be part of a week away. So are there any dates in mind ? As it would gave to be school holidays for me


Stewart 46A

No dates confirms as yet, just finding out who is interested and what forces we can supply


Hi Stewart

Depending on dates, my son Ben and I would be up for taking part.

Best to all



There certainly a bit of interest here .. I have 1 late war Brit , and 2 late war Germans .. standard size. There would be a couple of more to add to this also


any news on the date for this yet?