Government Forces News Network

Started by Sean Clark, October 01, 2021, 04:07:49 PM

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Sean Clark

All Government players feel free to chip in with your plans to conquer the Rebel cause, to push them back into the sea, to ensure they never decide to hold a snake by its tail, to put the flame out of the Insurrectionist cause.

I am of course impartial and here to ensure the Democratic process is followed for the upcoming Presidential election.


Smiley Miley 66

No plans to Conquer, as these are Our Ancestral lands, going back to our Grandad's Grandad. Re claiming would be the better description. As you can't Conquer what is yours by right ? This time we will be making the land pay for itself and bringing wealth and riches back to the country. Modern demand and worldly desires make what these great lands can produce world beating commodities. So the poorer people don't have to be poor at all, the land of opportunity.
Vegan Enterprises will bring wealth back to its homelands ! With Electricity and the internet on our side we can bring the world to everyone's doorstep. Everyone's homes will be powered and in touch with everyone !

Vegan Enterprises


Big Mike

Our troops are well trained and highly disciplined. Shoot well and use our long range weapons to inflict damage on the Rebels before they can close. Their beloved RPGs are only good at v short range.
Hit them hard and their morale will crumble.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Let's get the job done.
Col. F.

Sean Clark

Miles is sounding a bit like Uncle Albert!

Sound strategy, Mike. But can your boys fight? 😂