Some figure I have converted, all plastics.

Started by Leslie BT, March 21, 2021, 06:36:30 PM

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Leslie BT

martin goddard

Leslie BT

Heads from the HAT infantry and some metal castings and some Italeri.
The horses are some Italeri with some of the saddlery removed.
Some of the figures French dragoons some Mameloukes.

A real melange.

Colonel Kilgore

Very nice indeed, Les. I initially thought they were 54mm.


Stewart 46A

martin goddard

Grey Heron

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on March 21, 2021, 09:19:59 PM
I think they are 54mm Simon?


Ah - apologies - I didn't know HaT did 54mm. Well in that case, they are still jolly fine 54mm models! There is something rather splendid about that size of figure.
