Working title

Started by martin goddard, September 30, 2020, 06:00:59 PM

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martin goddard

The rules will be coming along very soon. No need to worry just yet.
To prove work is going on, I now have a working title.

Main title = The Mexican Revolution 1910- 1920    subtitle = Fighting for Mexico.

Not catchy, but it will do for now. Clear and informative (?).

FM or FFM?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

I think you've just done the hardest part, Martin.

Translating the current SCW rules into Latin American Spanish will be a doddle by comparison.


Leslie BT

Grey Heron


Before committing, probably best to find out if FFM has any other meaning.

A quick search (for 'FFM meaning') would suggest that it is a pornography term.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Radar on September 30, 2020, 09:14:54 PM
Before committing, probably best to find out if FFM has any other meaning.

A quick search (for 'FFM meaning') would suggest that it is a pornography term.

I assume that Helen and Lew knew that  :D

I was just confused - I'm glad you've cleared that one up for me, Radar. Martin may be onto a sure-fire winner to boost rules sales, though?


martin goddard

FFM acronym is used for many different terms. Don't think it readily brings any particular meaning to the front?
Maybe FM then?


John Watson

FM - No Static at All. An amazing song by the legendary Steely Dan and an enjoyable film too.

Smoking gun

How about: Revolutionaries Fighting for Control of Mexico, abreviates to RFCM. 8)

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

martin goddard

I think some bunch of lunatics in Dorset have already used that RFCM acronym martin?
Don't want to tempt them into getting oyt theoer

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

In that case, do we actually need an acronym in the first place?

"MexRev" pretty much says it all, as a working moniker, I think?


martin goddard

But Simon, that is 6 letters to type in.
"Cockerney" slang
Butchers as a short for look.
We don't need no logic or badges.

Hefe don martin :)