Mexrev rules

Started by martin goddard, September 24, 2020, 08:19:40 AM

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martin goddard

Just starting a topic to focus on just the mexrev rules.

Work on these is trickling along at the moment.
Basic skeleton will be similar t the SCW rules.
This makes a player command a force of 5 units or so.
5x3 table.
Square grid.

I think I said 5th October for first  version.
Due to current crisis these do not need to follow normal RFCM protocols.
Usually RFCM does a  set of rules per year.
Mexrev might be done by Sept 2021 but as a pdf product.

Title will be "Mexican revolution 1910-1920" as the lead. This will be then  followed by the "swish for emotion" line.

e.g Vietnam (lead) followed by "the men of company B" ) swish.
Wars of the Roses (lead) followed by "The Bloody Barons"(swish)
Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 (lead) followed by ??????(swish)

Let the chat begin

martin :)

Grey Heron

Excellent Martin, thank you for starting the topic.

Will lmgs feature in the rules?


John Watson

Could be "Liberation of the Peons"

Colonel Kilgore

Sounds like a plan, Martin - I look forward to participating in a new rules set development - it's been a little while!



Sounds good to me. I think I'll base up figures along SCW lines then, ready for some play testing when the time comes.


martin goddard

No LMGs planned Helen.
The leader bases should give some latitude for vignettes though.

martin :)

Antioch (Bob)

Thanks Martin, looking forward to seeing what comes out of this. First order on Nigels desk.😜

Grey Heron

Quote from: martin goddard on September 24, 2020, 03:34:27 PM
No LMGs planned Helen.
The leader bases should give some latitude for vignettes though.
martin :)

Thanks Martin, that sounds good.
