2nd battle of Rellano

Started by martin goddard, June 17, 2020, 01:40:35 PM

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martin goddard

A typical Mexrev battle  May 1912
I include it here for interest.

The rail station at Rellano.
General Orozco (pronounced "roscow") had started a rebellion against the Mexican government (led by Madero at that time).
Orozco's men known as Colorados  because of their red flags (see, flags in use :).)  Defending. About 7000
Huerta (future president) with Villa as a sub commander, was in the area.  Attacker. About 10,000 (Villa + Heurta regulars)

Orozco's rebellion had been going pretty well. He won the first battle of Rellano earlier in the year (March).
Initially Orozco was holding the hills.
Villa attacked one of the hills and took it .
Orozco's  positions on the other hills became flanked and vulnerable.
Orozco withdrew using trains. He laid mines (badly).

Both sides became low on ammunition.

After this Orozco was pursued to Bachimba rail station. From this point his army  Dispersed. Not uncommon with rebel armies.

Here are some observations I have made about this battle.
1. Commanders and their armies in the field for short periods. With frequent command changes due to other changes.The attacking general Heurta had ben brought out of retirement. Orozco was a government man, Pancho Villa was a rebel.
2.Use of cavalry in direct assaults.
3. Battles can last more than a day with troops happy to pick away at distance. This allows artillery to have a more significant effect. Given time small numbers of guns can really annoy the targets.
4.Use of trains for reinforcements and withdrawal. Trains in the battle area too.
5.Battle influenced at short notice by external events.In this case Zapata's actions further south.
6. Liberal use of explosives for train and rail destruction

Food for thought


Colonel Kilgore

I can see you're warming to the Mexican theme, Martin!

Thanks for posting - an interesting summary and analysis.


Stewart 46A

Amazed defenders 7000 withdrew from attackers 1000, a challenge to wargame with special rules that make the defender withdraw Nader certain conditions


martin goddard

Sorry Stewart. I did a miscount there!


Stewart 46A

No worries , you would have charged the  hill with 1000 and attacked the 7000 and with your lucky yellow die routed the lot!



That's an interesting account.
I like the idea of a rule set that might encourage point 6 - the liberal use of explosive!


martin goddard

Also  they used cavalry with lasso frequently to capture  guns and MGs.


Antioch (Bob)

One of the things I love about the period was the making use of what you had & the utter surprise & chaos that seemed to cause.


Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on June 17, 2020, 09:31:53 PM
Also  they used cavalry with lasso frequently to capture  guns and MGs.

I think you may be making more sculpting work for yourself here, Martin...  ;)



Hmmm, Dynamite and Lassos.
This is sounding fun already.



Well if you think that's fun.....Loco loco ("crazy train") employed by Che Che Campas among others (a noted Colorado).
Take 1 locomotive, pack full of explosives, get it up to full speed, jump!

It was successful on a couple of occasions, plowing into stationery trains in stations or depots.
