2016 Squarebashing Day - Gallery

Started by SimonC, December 10, 2016, 07:33:21 PM

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So the first Squarebashing Day is now complete. Bob was taken poorly and had to drop out, which meant I dropped out to help out the new players (which was always my plan). Given only 6 players we knocked the team event on the head and just lined up some suitable games.

While we're not keeping score, as a bit of fun the allies won 4 games to 2, so a victory to the allies.

Dene won his 2 games with the widest margin, so overall victory to Dene and his French army!

Some photos of the action

Battlefield Hobbies looked after us really well. The buffet was nice, and the tea and coffee bottomless. I highly recommend the venue, and we hope to run another SB in the 1st half of 2017

Rogues gallery - from L-R

Simon C, Simon P , Pete G , Paul F, Dene G, Ray B , Simon W

Colonel Kilgore

Many thanks to Simon for organising today's event in Daventry – and to the other attendees for your warm welcome.

It was great to meet a bunch of new folk, start to get a grip on what was for me a new rules set and play a couple of very enjoyable games.

Thanks too to Ray for his accelerated pre-game sequence and neat set of tools – kindly produced for and shared with all attendees - to accompany it: the MDF asset board in particular was great fun. There should be a special area shortly under "Square Bashing" here on this Forum where such rules tweaks can be posted for others to experiment with.

Finally, I have to agree with Mr Lurkio that the Battlefield Hobbies venue was excellent: well-lit with good-sized sturdy tables; hot drinks available on a self-service basis; a cold buffet that far exceeded my expectations: and a shop at which to buy one's gaming essentials [nothing specifically Peter Pig, but then you can't have everything!].

Colonel Kilgore

When the dice roll like this, who needs to be a good tactician?

Thanks to Simon W for his good humour in the face of some outrageous irons-out-of-the fire rolling from yours truly in the closing stages of our Germans vs. British game.

As promised - the photo in mitigation:

You were robbed!

Sean Clark

Can we have names to faces? Or do the innocent need to be protected  ;D

pbeccas (Paul)

martin goddard

Surely high rolling of D6 is a skill? in addition it is a a tactic!

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on December 11, 2016, 08:54:49 AM
Surely high rolling of D6 is a skill? in addition it is a a tactic!


You are of course correct.

Unfortunately it is neither a skill I have consistently mastered nor a tactic that I am able to deploy at will.

But I intend to keep on working at both!


Quote from: Sean Clark on December 10, 2016, 10:22:09 PM
Can we have names to faces? Or do the innocent need to be protected  ;D

added the post

Colonel Kilgore

A couple more toy-soldiers'-eye views from the Russian-German clash, featuring Simon C's Russians and, I believe, Ray's Germans (?).

First, a shot from the rear of the Russian lines - there were an awful lot of German guns and infantry [luckily the Uhlans stayed in their box] facing the heavily-depleted Russian defences:

And from the German side - several battalions have made it into the village, but those cheeky Cossacks are going around the flank and will shortly reach the German rear lines for a breakthrough:


On the bottom photo the very front right German has just spotted the Cossacks sneaking rounding edge of the village. The Cossacks had another glory moment where they rode down some unsupported infantry and got a breakthrough and swept up some artillery pieces in the rear.

Great photo , captures the feel of that game well


Seeing that Paul & I look a bit shell-shocked in the previous photos of the 1914 Square Bashing Day I thought that it was about time that I posted another record of that great event. At least Paul is looking better in this one - can't say the same for me!

Paulus complains to General Vert that his SB QRS is written in French.

I vill read this only once!

Pasha Gregory looking pleased. He must know that Brigadier Boyles is about to lose over half his units off table soon.

After heavy depletions the BEF are looking very thin on the ground. Initially the Turks swamp their positions.

BEF just hold on long enough for reinforcements to shore up the line. Pasha Gregory prays that he gets to fight another day!

And finally my favourite photo – three Simons on one table.


Leman (Andy)

Looks like a splendid time was had by all.