New ECW buildings

Started by Sean Clark, July 21, 2016, 05:05:36 AM

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Sean Clark

Well done Martin on the new ECW buildings; theyou look great. Julie has donever a great job painting them.

Stewart 46A

Finish my new buildings today, just waiting for the varnish to dry.


Has anyone got the new buildings and any of the Hovels ECW range? Do they fit in well together size wise? Or would they be fine on the same table but not in close proximity?

Leslie BT

Depends on which hovels building you want to compare them with. Hovel have ad a number of designers so the size and quality can be very different. Some match in very well.  If you paint them with a similar palette of colours this will blend them to be more cohesive when placed on the table.

As the others have said, great buildings especially the Market Cross, which pack is this in Martin? And the painting, well what can be said!

martin goddard

Market cross is on the sprinkles pack.. stocks, drunk, sign and market cross.

Sean Clark

Just what any self respecting 17th century village scene needs! I must add these to my order to pick up at Weymouth.


The crosses would make great casualty markers....Fast(no basing)