BBC war of the worlds

Started by SimonC, November 01, 2019, 04:59:20 PM

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Leman (Andy)

A quick look as a trailer. Very interesting to me for a number of reasons. Firstly I live about three miles from the woods where they filmed the Martian landing; secondly Liverpool, about a dozen miles down the road, doubled up as London; thirdly, and most importantly, at last it is set pre-WWI and in England as Wells intended. Mind you, the "living in sin" thing, to give it an extra dimension, I could happily have done without.

Leslie BT

They are hoping to sell this to France so I will have to wait until it appears on BBC TV.

martin goddard

If the martians have landed that close to your house you should be careful about who knocks at the door. Maybe pretend you are out; that always fools Martians when they come around here  pretending to be small children on trick or treat?

Leman (Andy)

Halloween I never answer the door.

Sean Clark

You miserable old so and so Leman  ;D

Leman (Andy)

I can't afford the dosh for the greedy little beggars of Formby. I need it for my Peter Pig shinies!  >:(
Signed, Mr Curmudgeon