PP relaese

Started by martin goddard, August 28, 2016, 06:38:08 PM

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martin goddard

Just a bit of gossip , here goes.

1. pairs of US in foxholes. There will be 6 pairs in a pack. It is the upper body with sandbag next to another handsome chap doing the same.  Their main reason is to be markers of occupancy in a firebase.
2. Russian scouts now started. First few packs will be SMG A, SMG B, rifle, LMG, Officer, NCO. then light moratr, dead, radio, female snipers and medics etc
3.Sci fi heads. 4 types to convert figures to something a bit different. either non  scifi figs or existing sci fi figures looking for something nice to wear.
4. 3mm ACW deck crew. Took a loong time but they seem to cast OK.
5. Pack of ladders.  Loved by airfix brit commandoes  having paddled ashore and  forgotten their weapons and webbing (shame on them).

All on its way


Colonel Kilgore

That is an eclectic mix, Martin - you have been busy!

Thank you for sharing all this breaking news here on this Forum.


Sean Clark

Ladders will be great for my trenches.

Back home tomorrow after a few days in Harlech. Itching to get my figures painted. I have a battle to report on too.


Russian Scouts sound interesting, looking forward to that, not much else there for me   :-\  Good thing I just got into PP Samurai and FIW goodies, i'm sure they'll keep me busy, keep up the great work Martin!

Leman (Andy)

Deck crews will definitely be enhancing the look of my ships.

martin goddard

Be interesting to see how you get along with them in terms of how fiddly and what they paint up like?
