
Started by SimonC, October 21, 2020, 04:33:06 PM

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First version of Risorgimento for the 2nd War of Italian Unification using Walter Schnaffs

martin goddard

Very professional looking Simon.
Not a war I knew anything about, but will read the intro with interest.
Keeping the usual  SB victory points?



Yes - same scoring.

Is a vehicle for a club project , so it will be mainly focusing on recreating the bigger battles later on in 2021

Colonel Kilgore

That does look very slick, Simon.

What figures are you using?


Leman (Andy)

Thanks for posting Simon. Another reason to paint up my languishing Austrians. My  forces for the C19th are all 10mm, mostly Pendraken with a few Red Eagle and Irregular for a bit of variety.


QuoteWhat figures are you using?

its a 15mm project - so a mix of QRF/Freikorp , Irregular, Essex, Mirliton