Squarebashing Day

Started by SimonC, June 29, 2016, 08:57:27 AM

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Last November BAD Wargamers had a Squarebashing day. This resulted in a single big game (the Squarebashing 1915 - Third battle of Artois in the AAR)

This year - November time -  I'm tentatively looking at trying to get others groups involved.  There are groups at Burton , October and Mansfield that may be able to participate but a few more would be great

At the moment I'm looking at a (not too) competitive style event. So teams of 2 players (1 allied, 1 central powers), combining results to give an overall winner. Provisionally it would be all armies dated 1916 (to match the BAD theme of playing through the centenary years)

Is there anybody out there that would like to participate in this event?

Alternatively if we can't get everyone together we could hold events simultaneously(in your locale) and combine the results in someway there

Any interest?


Sean Clark

I would love to be involved on any weekend other than 25th/26th as that is the Peter Pig weekend in Weymouth.  I may be able to get another Stoke club member involved but most likely it'll be just me. Can provide a couple of armies though.


A bit more info. So as it stands it will be Nov 12th / 13th.

Most likely Early War period, as that is what most people have, and avoids the complicated trench issue. Probably pre set terrain so we ca set it up beforehand and give them a theme.

It would be great if we could get 6 pairs of players


Sean Clark

Count me in. I'll work on a partner.


Would this not clash with the Warfare show in Reading??


Warfare is 19th-20th this year.  This was the first weekend down! :o


The date for this is now set to the Sat 12th November (barring room booking issues).
The theme will be "up til the guns of August". The period will from 1900 up to, and including 1914. It will be a team event (entries permitting). The armies are divided into 2 Pools, grouped by conflict. Each team must pick a pair of armies from a single conflict.

The allowed lists are -

There will be 2 games, Team against Team (As vs Bs). For each game he sum of each team score will be added to the team total. To encourage using under valued armies the sum total of army rating will be deducted from final score.

The terrain will be pre set , other than its RAW.  All painted figures please, we want it to look nice!

Once  I get confirmation of room booking an costs I will formalise it in a proper post

Leman (Andy)

Ooh, shiny new board - nice.  :)


12 & 13 Nov are booked up at the venue. Looking like Sat 29th Oct now

shout out if this is bad


Sean Clark

Should still be OK.  Actually better for me as I am away at the Piggie weekender at the end of November.

Stewart 46A

Can't make 29th Oct, working


Booking the room is proving surprising difficult - considering I thought it was quite a way off. I will confirm when a date, which will be better than this speculation ! :)


With a drum roll....! The date for this is Sat 10th December 2016.

The venue is now Battlefield Hobbies in Daventry.


Hopefully the centrally located venue will help those on the periphery of the country. The entry fee is £10 per player. This includes lunch :-)

The theme will be "up til the guns of August". The period will from 1900 up to, and including 1914. It will be a team event (entries permitting). The armies are divided into 2 Pools, grouped by conflict. Each team must pick a pair of armies from a single conflict.

The allowed lists are -

There will be 2 games, Team against Team (As vs Bs). For each game he sum of each team score will be added to the team total. To encourage using under valued armies the sum total of army rating will be deducted from final score.

The terrain will be pre set , other than its RAW. All painted figures please, we want it to look nice!

If you want the full experience there is a t-shirt accompany the event. Profits from which help to finance the RFCM forums (£2)



Leslie BT

Good luck with your Square bashing gaming day.

Hope it all goes well without any hiccups.


Well the buffet is booked and we have even numbers ... so not too much can go wrong !