
Started by martin goddard, July 01, 2016, 10:08:59 PM

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martin goddard

I have walked number of the battlefields of the AWI. Most of them are quite small (paoli, Cowpens).  A couple of the bigger ones seemed a bit unloved in terms of pushing the nature growth back.

Guilford courthouse is a bit strange as the monuments are all in te wrong places. They have also let woodland grow over the original fields  so that you lose the impression of open land and scattered woods. Thewalk up to the first line of American militia is actually along a busy road. There is a nice visitor centre with quality displays.
Yorktown is excellent as the various siege works are still there in the main. You can walk from one redoubt to the next and get a feel for the ground.
Went to Washington's crossing. there is a bridge there, he should have used it although it is only 1 car wide.  It is still atmospheric there.
the barracks at Trenton is excellent with it' s costumed curators and great knowledge. 96 is alos very interesting and atmospheric.

What one notices at these battlefields is that they are quite small and the armies are stand alone without  a mass of supporting units . instead the armies cover the ground they stand upon and not much more.  Thus flanks  are always exposed and surprises are very common. The armies in the main are very small by european standards.

The most enjoyable battlefield is King's mountain. Does not seem to have changed at all. Fantastic. You can walk in the steps of the s=troops that fought there.  Good museum too.


Sean Clark

I would love to combine a visit to Historicon with a visit to some of these places.  Although I would say the ACW/AWI are myou favourite periods, I have yet to actually visit any of the battlefields.

Leslie BT

Yes there are a lot of battlefields for the AWI and the French and Indian wars arouund the Historicon area and up the Hudson river towards Canada.

In the summer there are several displays of battles as well, you need to check out the Parks Department web site.