New EU regulations?

Started by sjwalker51, November 25, 2024, 12:03:53 PM

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What's this I hear about dozens of UK hobby manufacturers stopping supply to EU and Northern Ireland because of new regulations being introduced in December?

No dog in this fight but cannot be good for the hobby ☹️

John Watson

I found a company on line last week that said they would stop shipping to the EU from the 1st December. I can't remember who it was but they only said that there were complications.


That is correct from the 13th Dec GPSR regs for EU sales means everything has to have a 'safety passport' . If you registered outside of the EU then you need an EU agent to make sure you are in compliance.

Leslie BT

Brexit. Its the gift that keeps on giving, used to all the extra charges now.

Smiley Miley 66

It goes the other way round too. A friend of mine is an EBay seller. He's had to stop all European bids and buyers, because of this origins of safety notices etc etc etc.


This is an EU thing rather than Brexit. If the UK were still part of the EU we'd still be liable for the safety docs. The only exception is the 'agent' where you could act on your own behalf.

There is a big impact on sellers on the likes of EBay and Amazon as they too are required to comply. 2nd hand goods too are in scope. If you have a business account with Amazon or EBay life got a whole lot harder.

Bizarrely where items don't have regulations it's down to the seller to quantify 'safety'

Leman (Andy)

Well, I did raise this a couple of weeks ago and it was ignored. I don't get why people cannot see the enormous damage of Brexit to trade, security and personal freedoms. There's no getting away from it unless you are wealthy, like Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Dyson, who supported Brexit and then took himself and his business to Singapore. 


This isn't Brexit, this is EU regulations. Many of the vendors who are stopping supplies to to the EU are in the US. So ironically because of Brexit we can still get US wargaming paraphernalia (small recompense I know  :o )

This effects all consumer goods ( with a couple of exceptions )

So unfortunately Peter Pig will have to comply  ;)

Leman (Andy)

But it is Brexit. Were the UK still in the EU this would not be as complex as it now will be. Did you expect the EU not to continue to develop after Brexit? Furthermore, efforts were made to try and make Brexit less difficult for the UK but the politicians stubbornly and rudely rejected every effort made, resulting in third country status. As politicians are always scrabbling to gain votes and save face you're just going to have to live with it.

John Watson

Personally I prefer the easier option of getting goods from the USA. But this is getting political and should be discussed on other sites.

Smiley Miley 66

It's not political, it's the truth, the So called Government at the time lied, saying Brexit wouldn't change anything ?
Of course it did ? Everything. Now everyone is suffering especially the likes of us as we were getting bits from all over the EU as if it was in the next town. But now there is Paperwork coming in from all directions? Because we aren't in the EU ? We are too small a country for the Americans to want to deal with us ?
So yes we have to deal with it.
Unfortunately we have to thank the extra Million people that didn't know what they were voting for ? Because they were misrepresented by our elected leaders. Also misinformed of the consequences!
We were told we could have our cake and eat it ?
So thank you all that voted wrongly at the time ! As you were not told the full truth of what was going to happen?

Sean Clark

Topic locked. Back to toy soldiers 🙂