Creepers new rules

Started by martin goddard, March 14, 2025, 01:43:41 PM

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martin goddard

Present problem= too many (19) creeper bases to keep track of.

Seeking= lots of creeper bases to create a swarm type game but players need to easily track them.  More gangs of creepers and less singles. Otherwise 19 creepers can assault all objectives easily.

Proposed solution
Initial number of creeper bases =18 +D6  (gives 19-24 bases).
Group creepers into triples With a possible 1,2 left over for small group.
This gives about 7 groups  (enough to easily control).
As targets etc. they are auxiliary. Creepers can be immobilised if one creeper is immobilised. The immobilised creeper can be transferred though.

If they are a triple they can move D6 with no scenery hampering them except horror. No distance shooting.
They fight as a single entity, with 2D6 per base with no modifiers at all.
e.g 2 bases = 4D6.

Dead creepers 5,6 to come back and join any existing group (up to max 3).
Any group of only 1 or 2 cannot move but may fight.
At start of creeper turn any creeper bases can be rolled for. 1= put into dead pile.  2,3,4,5, 6 move to any other group.
Any group at Zero is lost and cannot be re-made.

1. Creepers will be different to other bases. Good.
2. There will be plenty of creeper bases on the table. Gives swarm effect but requires more models (7x9 =63 models if 3  per base)
3. Creepers will be in 6 blobs rather than 18. Easier to track.  More potent
4. Creepers come back more easily. Not sure.
5. Creeper opponents should seek to destroy/immobilise complete creeper groups.
6. Creeper opportunity shooting will be better as they are in a three= 2+1+1=4D6.
7. Creeper player needs to constantly "shuffle" his bases to get the right group at the right place.

Maybe introduce a super creeper (2 per force) which acts like a legionary?

This is all a bit radical but that is the freedom we have with rule development.

Your thoughts please?

martin :)

Stewart 46A

I have numbered my creeper bases to keep track which has had a turn

I have also done this with the
Auxiliary and legionnaires



It  certainly would make the Creeper force easier to  keep track of and also  probably speed up the game.

I am in favour of Super Creepers (Queens?) as an option

martin goddard

You are very quick Stewart.

martin :)

martin goddard

I will put it in edition P and we can play it to see?

martin :)

Stewart 46A

Creeper force as defenders
 Do they roll for lates as individual or as group of 3?


martin goddard

Not sure. I will sort it Stewart

martin :)


Am I reading this correctly?

Assuming a  group of three creepers

A normal attack is 2D+2D+2D = 6D
An opportunity attack is 2D+1D+1D = 4D