Richard III - The Lost King

Started by Leman (Andy), August 26, 2022, 02:37:53 PM

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Leman (Andy)

Watched an interesting film trailer this morning on You Tube - The Lost King- a feature film about the search for Richard III's body. It looked pretty good, and is due for release on October 7th.


The shot of Richard on his horse looks great...I want to paint that figure.

Sean Clark

Resurecting this thread as I watched 'Thw Lost King' last night.

It's the tale of Phillipa Langley's obsession with Richard III and her campaign to dig for his remains. This links into John's thread regarding her documentary on the Princes in the tower.

She was a producer on the film and as you would expect it is sympathetic to her viewpoint, spurred on by her memebership of the Richard III society. It is also pretty disparaging of Leicester University. They come across as disinterested and more concerned about finances and damage to the reputation of the university right up until the point the body is found. When it is confirmed that it is Richard, they take all of the credit and sideline Langley. The university have pushed back and one of the members of staff is suing the production for their depiction of them.

Regardless, I found the film charming and very watchable. I hadn't realised that the Royal family have now recognised Richard as a lawful King and is no longer considered a usurper. I am no expert in the field, but the film also addresses the Princes in the tower with Langley's view that it was all Tudor propaganda.

The actor playing Langley was very good and Steve Coogan as her ex husband was a very sympathetic character. Well worth a watch in my humble opinion.

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks for this review, Sean.

How does one watch this programme?


Sean Clark

I think it was on Sky Cinema but I don't normally have it...I got it for free for a month.

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks Sean. I'm tight, so will wait for it to come out on one of the terrestrial channels :)


Leman (Andy)

That made a refreshing change to the swathe of reviews of the Napoleon film. Loathe now to spend my money on it. I am not hopeful that The Lost King will make it to my local Dutch cinema.

Colonel Kilgore

I don't know whether this will work for you in the Netherlands, Andy, but The Lost King is available in the UK on Amazon Prime Video for £4.99 (same price for HD and SD):

martin goddard

I did watch it at the cinema.
All very nice.
A gentle low budget BBC film.

There are about 6 of this genre per year.
The most recent one I watched was "the great escaper" starring Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson last week.

martin :)

John Watson

The great thing about much of Richard III's reign is that there either were no records or they have been lost. Much of what is written about him reign was written during Tudor times and so you risked severe  punishment if you said anything nice about him. So what has survived is suspected to be biased in favour of the Tudor monarchy, but we can't be sure of this.
There are plenty of theories about how Richard came to the throne, why he came to the throne, why Lord Hastings was executed at short notice, why the Duke of Buckingham rebelled, what happened to the Princes in the Tower, and even the Bosworth campaign. I think that is why his reign commands such interest.

Leman (Andy)

I read an interesting novel about Richard earlier this year, which posited that Buckingham was beheaded after he engineered the killing of the princes in a bid to seize the throne himself, being a member of the royal family. It made a good read, but as it was written in the 80s there was no curvature of the spine.