O Henry

Started by martin goddard, July 19, 2024, 05:55:48 PM

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martin goddard

I will put it in the thinking box along with:-

1. HE, 2 squares instead of 3
2. Light armour with big gun.
3. Unit sizes.

I am bearing in mind that some people were put off AK reloaded because they found it too difficult to understand. Of course we need to bear in mind that some players will find everything complicated.

We need to avoid the unthink level of "pick a card to tell you what to do". Horrible, but very popular. Saves the player from having a plan. Not RFCM at all.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Agreed Martin.

I think AK is really shaping up to be a great game. However, there will always be those who either can't or won't accept certain mechanisms or approaches to how games work.

It seems to me that the Goldilocks principles apply here where things are either too hot or too cold and you add things in or take them out until it is 'just right'.